Mars in Astrology


Manglik dosha is something that strikes everyone when we talk about Mars from an astrological perspective. It is very scary when we read some literature regarding Manglik dosha. I am so surprised why astrology is taken always from a negative angle, while it gives a lot of positive information. In Brihat Parasara Horasastra, the Bible of Astrology, Sage parasara speaks about Mars to his disciple Maitreya in the 3rd chapter” Graha Guna Roopa Adhyaya” Mars is known as the soldier of the planetary cabinet. So, Mars has connected the profession, which includes competition, physical energy, and discipline. Parasara says Mars is cruel, with bloodred eyes, fickle mind, liberal hearted, bilious, thin waist, and thin physique. So, before the scientists find it out, our great sages knew that Mars is red.

When Mars is in the 2,4,7,8th and 12 th house Manglik Dosha is formed, but it is an overrated dosha. It functions in a psychological way than physical way. There are specific other conditions for cancellation of this dosha. It is not like, if you have this then your spouse will die and all, if so, then the half of the world would have been filled with widows and widowers

In Phaldipika, Mantreswara says, Mars indicates the strength, produce from earth, siblings, battle, courage, antagonism, fire, gold, relatives, weapons, thieves, enemies, enthusiasm, adultery, lies, prowess, high thinking, army. 

Mars is known as Bhumiputra and it is also the indicator of land and real estate-related projects. In the mythological story, it says, Lord Siva was grieving for his late wife Sati and out of his sorrow, his body started getting hot, and drop of sweat fell on earth. That drop of sweat became a baby and Earth or Bhumi Devi fostered the child. That is the planet Mars. Hence Mars is known as the Karaka for real estate deals. 

Mars is known as the planet for desires and ambition. It is also known for its passion and sexual energies. 

When Mars is placed in an auspicious manner, it will give the person a lot of confidence and he will use it productively. The person will be heroic, persevering, direct, courageous and he will be very successful in sports events. Mars indicates administration-related talents, so the person with good Mars will be a free-spirited person with quick wits. He will be like a soldier who leads his mission. 


Mars which is placed in a bad way will be giving your a lack of resistance, short temper, and argumentative. If Mars is very bad, then the person can even intake intoxicant. He will have a bad sexual taste like unnatural sex positions. 

Mars indicates sexual organs, urinary bladder, muscles, face, ear, cuts, iron, metals, fire, surgery butcher, and mechanics. So, those who work in these domains will also be having a Martian connection,

Three nakshatras are ruled by Mars, they are Mrigshira, Chitra, and Dhanishta. 

The Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are friends with Mars while Venus and Saturn are neutral and Mercury is an enemy to Mars. 


Fiverr Experiences

I was trying to hire an Editor, Graphic Designer, and Video Editor for my website. I tried 6 people, I spend much money on them. None of them were professionals. Now I went to Linkedin and hired a graphic designer, I donno whether my luck is bad, he was the who dissatisfied me the most.

I will never ever get into Fiverr as I see too many  freshers and in experienced guys are coming there and calling them as experts.


So for me Fiverr experts are sheer dissatisfaction

What is Karaka in Astrology


Karaka is a very popular word in astrology and in Sanskrit dictionary Karaka means a operator, factor,  and who or what produces. Karaka is a planet which controls certain factors in astrology. In Parasara astrology, there are 2 types of Karakas. They are Sthira Karaka and Naisargika karaka. In Jaimini astrology, the Karakas are known as Charakaraka

Sthirakaraka are these

Strong planet in Sun or Venus becomes the Karaka of Father

Strong planet in Moon or Mars becomes the Karaka of Mother

Mars becomes the Karaka of Younger siblings and Spouse’s Siblings

Mercury becomes the Karaka of Maternal relatives

Jupiter becomes the karaka of Husband, Son, paternal relatives

Venus becomes the karaka of Wife, parents-in-law, maternal grandparents

Saturn becomes the karaka of Elder siblings

 These are Chara karakas( Jaimini Astrology)

These  Chara Karakas: They are calculated based on the degrees of the planet. The degrees are seen through the descending order

Atma Karaka – The indicator of the  soul

Amatya Karaka – The indicator of career

BhratruKaraka – The indicator of siblings

Matru Karaka – The indicator of mother

PitruKaraka – The indicator of father

Puthra Karaka – The indicator of children

Gnaathi Karaka – Indicator of obstacles

Dhara Karka – Indicator of spouse

Naisargika Karaka

 Sun:  soul , vitality,  father, eyes  health, east direction and dawn : Karaka of the 1st house ( Lagna), 10th (Career), 9th, and 5th houses.

 Jupiter:   – Family, wealth matters, expansion, happiness, finances,  children, guru-teachers, religion, fortune, elder brothers: Karakaka of the 2nd , 5th, 9th, and 11th houses. The Nortth East direction

 Mars: Mangala – Courage, younger siblings, strength or stamina, blood, war, defense, enemies: Karaka of the 3rd, 6th, 4th, 5th houses. The south direction

 Moon:   Mother, compassion, feelings, mind & emotions, milk and ghee , divine medicine, herbs, water,   pearls, the evening: Karaka of the 4th, 1st and 11th houses, and the NW direction.

 Venus:   -spouse, partner,  martial relationships, vehicles, sexual pleasures, fluids, perfumes, dance , music, song,  : Karaka of the 7th house, 4th house, 12 house . The SE direction.

 Mercury:   speech, learning, memory, intellect, analytical power, friends, business, and literature, mathematics: Karaka of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th and 11th houses and owner of the North direction.

 Saturn:   longevity, delay, grief, losses, ailments, limps, humiliations, hard labor, imprisonment, renunciation, lower class. Karaka of the 8th, 6th, 5th and 12th and the  west direction.
 Rahu: accidents, occult knowledge, life in a foreign land, poisons, skin diseases, arguments, darkness. Karaka of the 7th, 9th and 6th houses.  It indicates  SW direction.
Ketu:- occult knowledge, moksha, detachment, isolation,  imprisonment. Karka of the 12th, 9th and 8th houses. It indicates NW direction.

Upcoming Jupiter Transit In Capricorn 2020-2021 Predictions ( Moon/Ascendant) Please Go Through The Introduction



 Jupiter will enter the sign of Capricorn on November 20, 2020, Friday at 02:55 PM. It will jump into the sign of Aquarius on April 6, 2021, Tuesday at 01:50 AM Aquarius. Then it will start its retrogression from June 20, 2021, Sunday at 08:35 PM. It re-enter the sign of Capricorn September 14, 2021, Tuesday at 11:43 AM. It will become progressive on October 18, 2021, Monday at 11:00 AM

In short, this is a very irritated Jupiter, and that means a lot for all the signs.





Jupiter will be entering the 10th house and it will be in its debilitation sign for the next year. It will bring a lot of focus on your work and it will be placed with Saturn for the major period. From April to September it will stay in the sign of Aquarius and that will be very significant for you. As long as it stays in the sign of Capricorn, naturally, there will be concerns regarding your career. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house can put you under work pressure. There will be competitive events at work. When Jupiter moves into Aquarius, you will get some opportunities to get into new organizations. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, then also you will get some opportunities, but then you have to be very careful. Financial matters also will get a lot of prominence. You should not take any risk in that. Real estate deals and family functions also will be possible. This transit is very much fluctuating and it will bring changing results as Jupiter will be spending a lot of time in Aquarius as well. Your creative energies also will get opportunities. Children and family members also will be very demanding. Real estate deals and family functions are also possible. Jupiter will be in retrogression from June to October just like 2020. So, the results will not be very favorable for Aries, but that also will depend on your Mahadasa and antardasa. I don’t follow much of Ashtakvarga as I see it gives contradictory results always.






For Taurus Moon/Lagna, this is a very important year for foreign travel and career. You were having a lot of issues regarding finances and careers in the past years. Until April 2021, you will be finding it very comfortable in all the areas of your life, but once when Jupiter moves into the sign of Aquarius, there can be challenges from team settings. New projects can come up, but there will be challenges. Until April, you will have opportunities for foreign travel and foreign collaborations. There will be new opportunities from media and mass communications too. However, you should not simply follow any religious groups. Please make sure they are genuine. This is also a year to take part in social causes. You will get occasional financial gains as well. After that from April to September, you will have to be very careful with your team settings. Please don’t be aggressive with teammates. Your health also will be very important. The life of your siblings will be very significant. Creative projects can also come up. This transit will put businessmen into pressure. However, stockbrokers and other people who invest in risky ventures should be very careful.  Your children and youngsters in the family will need a lot of help from you. Politicians, artists, and people work in the creative domain also will get new opportunities to make new contracts. This is also a transit to get into romance and marriage. All the results will vary according to b your Mahadasa, and antardasa. I don’t follow much of Ashtakvarga as I see it gives contradictory results always.




This transit will trigger the financial houses for Gemini Lagna/Moon. The results will vary but that also will depend on your Mahadasa, and antardasa. I don’t follow much of Ashtakvarga as I see it gives contradictory results always. So, you have to take care of your money matters. They will be in a fluctuating mode. There will be some transactions like lending and borrowing. You should not overdo anything. Jupiter is the planet for expansion and magnification, so it can make you overconfident. This transit also can trigger the chances for loans and other issues from insurance, tax, and PF. You can have power struggles in your team settings. From April onwards Jupiter will be out from Capricorn and from then to September, you will think about foreign travels and collaborations. There will be some chances for people who work in media and publishing as well. Career-related changes can also come up. There will be some changes at home and plans for relocation can also come up. You will have a lot of interest in spirituality and humanitarian projects. Real estate deals and relocation is also possible. There will be family meetings and discussions with family members. The situation at work also will be very challenging as Jupiter will influence the second house. That can also trigger power struggles. There will be a lot of short projects and your physical health also will be important. However, the main focus will be your finances.




Throughout this transit, you will be looking more at your relationships. These relationships can be your marriage or professional relationships. The results will majorly depend upon your mahadasa and antardas. However, I don’t follow ashtakvarga always as it gives contradictory results. For you Cancerians, you want to improve your relationships. These relationships will get into a complex format from April onwards when Jupiter moves into the sign of Aquarius. There will be power struggles in relationships. Jupiter is not a great planet to be in the seventh house of relationships, so, you have to be very careful. There will be a lot of arguments despite personal or professional relationships. However, if your mahadasa and antar dasa favors, there will be strong chances for a new love affair or a marriage. There will be some important events related to your children and youngsters. You will get many chances to get new long term projects and they can be from foreign collaborations. A lot of short projects can also be part of this transit. You and your siblings will come together for family functions. Projects from international groups can also be possible during this transit; However, after when Jupiter moves into the sign of Aquarius, the chances for changes in the career will be very much intense. Your health also will be very important. Jupiter will be aspecting the first house of health, so you may even put on weight.


For you, the workplace will be very much active and there will be huge changes at work. Jupiter is the planet for magnification and expansion, so you will see expansion at work. There will be big projects at work, but that can be stressful as Saturn is also in this workplace. You will have enough stability to overcome all the issues at work. Those who work in the government sector will be getting new responsibilities. Jupiter is moving through the sixth house of debts, diseases, and enemies. So, for the next year, there will be on-off issues from these matters. Jupiter will be moving out from the sixth house and it will move into the sector for relationships. You have to be careful with your relationships as well. Jupiter’s transit through the relationship sector cannot be seen as great as the seventh house is always a Kama house. Jupiter will be very efficient to deal with relationships. At work, you will be able to guide and teach others. You have to manage your finances as well. Jupiter will be aspecting the second house of finances and you will have to take care of your financial liabilities. However, you will be getting many opportunities to make money as well. There will be some significant changes at home and family. Your facial organs also will get very sensitive and you have to take care of your abdominal as well as the health of facial organs.



Jupiter will be moving into the fifth house of creativity, romance children, and speculative ventures. After April Jupiter will be moving into the sixth house of debts diseases and enemies. So, this is a very complex transit for you as you have to deal with the challenges in your life. Saturn and Jupiter will be in the fifth house, and that will bring more focus to your children. They will need more care and time from you. You should try to spend more time and update their daily life. This is a very good time for that childless couple who wants a child. You will get enough opportunities to find the reason why you are childless and take proper medication. This transit also will give many opportunities to take up higher studies too. However, you will have to be careful with your speculative ventures. There are chances for issues from these projects. Long trips and foreign collaborations can also come up. There will be a lot of projects from media and mass communications can be another possibility. Students and teachers will be working on complex projects during this transit. You will get many opportunities to join a new team from international organizations. Jupiter will aspect your Lagna and that will bring more chubbiness. This Jupiter can make you very complacent as well, so you have to be a little more active. Please be careful with your financial matters and keep a safe distance from enemies. Try to have a healthy relationship in the workplace.



This Jupiter transit will be adding more responsibilities at home and work. Saturn and Jupiter will be in the fourth house of home and they will aspect your work. You will be taking up more responsibilities in the home and there are chances for real estate deals. During this transit, you will be working for a new home or a change at home. There are chances for relocation and family meetings. Your family members will have a lot of needs and you will have to be there to support them. After April Jupiter will be moving into the fifth house of children and creativity. So, until September, you will have to be focused more on children and creative projects. This is an important time for those couples who are trying to get a child. Throughout this transit, you will have financial issues and you should stay away from any type of complex financial transactions. Jupiter is a planet for complacency and you may feel like being unrealistic throughout the transit. There will be more work at a career due to the aspect of Jupiter. You will have to be careful with your responsibilities. If you work hard and be realistic at work, then you will be getting more opportunities. Jupiter aspect the twelfth house of losses and expenses, this Jupiter transit does have a negative shade in your life. The exact result will depend upon the birth chart and the whole planetary position. However, you should be very wise at home as well as work during this transit.



You will have a lot of travel during this transit. They can be local as well as foreign travel. Projects from foreign lands can also come up. Jupiter is majorly transiting through the third house of siblings, travels, media and studies, and family matters. So, you will be putting your entire effort into your ventures. You will have to work hard to make your ventures successful. There will be multiple projects from media, sales, marketing, and communication. You will even try to buy a new electronic gadget or travel device. The relationship with your siblings will become very significant and family functions are also possible. Students and teachers also will have to work on multiple projects. Projects from foreign collaborations can also come up. This transit will give you multiple opportunities to interact with an international community as well. However, Jupiter will move in a retrograde mode for around three-plus months. So, there will be a lot of obstacles in your travels and projects too. Students will have to be ultra-careful with your studies, otherwise there will be struggles. Jupiter will be influencing your relationships and long term projects as well. Due to these aspects, you will have a lot of focus on your personal and business relationship. Jupiter will bring more and more business relationships. You will be like a mediator or a guide in the professional area. In marriage and love, you will have to be careful as Jupiter is not the planet for love and romance. After April Jupiter will start influencing your home and family.



This Jupiter transit may bring a lot of financial concerns throughout the transit. You should not get into any complex financial deals. Jupiter itself is the significator of the second house of finances, self-esteem, and family, and it will take full control of these things during this transit. Saturn is also in the same house and you will have to be very careful with your finances. Jupiter and Saturn both represent discipline and righteousness. You will have to be much disciplined in your personal life as well as finances. Please don’t get into any complex financial deals. There will be a lot of financial needs as well. You have to understand that Jupiter will be in a slowdown mode for at least three-plus months and during this time whole nation will be having financial issues. So, you also will be a part of that. Please don’t get into any complex lending, borrowing, or financial plans as well. After April, Jupiter will move into the third house of siblings and the communication sector. That will be bringing major discussions with your siblings. People who work in the communication-related sector also will be very active. Jupiter will impact your workplace and colleagues. There will be concerns regarding work as well as colleagues. You should not have any unrealistic expectations about your work. There will be competitive projects and you can feel burdened. However, this is a good transit to get additional responsibilities as well.



You will have a lot of changes in your life as Jupiter will be impacting your personal life and health. Firstly you are going through sade sati and you have a lot of burdens. I cannot guarantee or assure you that this transit will be very good for you. You will have to take care of your health as well as wellbeing. There will some delay in your life and that can be stressful. You should work slow and steady and that will help you a lot during this time. You should plan for long projects and delayed gains. There is no point in being impatient and that can make you further discouraged. The universe is asking you to be slow and wise. Please don’t try to break the signals from the universe. Marital issues can also come up if you are not patient. This is a good time to work on marriage as well as business relationships. There will be many opportunities from creative projects as well. You will have to spend more time with your children as they are growing up. Childless couples should use this time for medication as well. There are chances for long trips and study programs. You will have interaction with people from far places too that will help you to work in some foreign companies. Media and mass communication professionals also will be getting projects. Pilgrimages and spiritual meetings also will be part of this transit. Jupiter will be moving into the second house of finances for a few months, so financial matters also will be important.



Jupiter will be moving through the twelfth house of emotional issues and losses. From April onwards this planet will move to your personal life and this transit will bring a lot of opportunities to do self-examination. That will help you to be happy and stable. Otherwise, you can lose your track during this transit. You are going through Sade sati/7.5 Saturn as well. So, you should not be in a haste to take up any decisions. Saturn and Jupiter both are the planets for dharma and Karma, and they are in the house for psychological issues, you should not get into unwanted deals or don’t get trapped into any wrong kind of relationship. You should make your conscience clear every day before you go to sleep. Please try to make good contact with the divine energies as the universe is triggering your psyche more than a materialistic factor in your life. So, it’s highly important to make your mind strong. There can be challenges from the workplace and colleagues too. Please be righteous at your workplace and keep a healthy relationship with your colleagues. Work-related changes can come up and don’t put your career at stake. Physical health also will be important, so follow a proper diet. Family and home also will be important during this transit and you will have to take care of your elders. There will be more responsibilities at home. Real estate deals and relocation can also be part of this transit. You will have to take care of your relationships.



Jupiter will be in the eleventh house of long term relationships and collective projects. From April onwards, Jupiter will be entering the twelfth house of emotional issues as well. So, you will have to take care of this situation very carefully. There are challenges as well as opportunities. You will get projects from international organizations and locations. There will be occasional financial gains as well. There are chances to join new long term projects and team meetings too. This is a time to meet new people and join new ventures as well. Jupiter is the planet for expansion and magnification, so there will be multiple long term projects too. Most of them can come from media and communications. Projects from the technology sector also will be coming up. However, Jupiter is the planet for unrealistic expectations, so you will have to be very realistic. Even though you are working as a team, there is nothing wrong with being a little selfish. You will be getting some time to lead a team as well. However, don’t be so confident in making plans for your risky ventures. You should spend more time with children and youngsters. They will need your guidance too. Jupiter will be aspecting the relationship sector as well. This is a transit for singles to mingle and find likeminded people too. Important partnership deals can occur during this transit. It can even be from your personal life. You should not forget that Jupiter will be in a slowdown mode for three-plus months and that can bring some delays.


Moon in Vedic Astrology. What does The Moon Indicates in Vedic Astrology

The Moon is a natural benefic in Vedic Astrology. It rules the watery Sign of Cancer. In the Vedas the Moon is also known as Himamsu, vidhu,  Sudhanshu, Shubharnshu, Oushadisha, Nishapathi, Soma, Chandra, Abja, Glau, Mriganga, kalanidhi, Dhwijaraja, Sasadhara,  and Kshapakara. The parents of the Moon are Atri and Anasooya, The children of the Moon are Budha and Chandravanshi. Moon rules three nakshathras, they are Rohini, Hasta and Shravana. Moon is ruling Cancer, exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio.



Moon indicates these things in Astrology

  • Mind
  • mother
  • heart
  • queen
  • emotions
  • imagination
  • woman
  • acidity
  • lungs
  • middle aged people
  • beuaty
  • happiness
  • liquid
  • silver
  • wells
  • tanks
  • salt
  • white objects
  • diamonds
  • cloths
  • watery diseases
  • curd
  • milk
  • milk products
  • washerman
  • Chemistry



How The Solar Eclipse on June 21 st Going to Impact India and China?


This is a special message to Indians, especially for those Indians who are patriots. This is an astrological message regarding the impact of the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse in the month of June. The month of June comes in the lunar month of Jyeshta. The lunar month of Jyaishta started by May 22/2020 and will end by 21 June 2020. After that, on June 22 the lunar month of Ashada will start and it will end by July 23. 




Eclipses were always been looked with fear despite lunar or solar. After the solar eclipse in 2018 August 11, which happened in the lunar month of Shravana, Kerala was totally under the flood. 

Varahamihira , who is known as the ace astrologer in Mundane astrology, has a book in his name, it is known as Brihat Samhita. In this book, he says a lot about the eclipse. He has specified “ In any lunar month a lunar and solar eclipse takes place, then it indicates troubles” 

During December, there was a lunar and solar eclipse in the month of Pausha, and according to Brihat Samhita, then, that eclipse will bring troubles on the land.

He has clearly said” 

If in Greshma Surya be of blood color mankind will be afflicted with various fears “ Greeshma season comes in June July months. 

This solar eclipse of June 2020 will start at 9:15 am on June 21 as per Indian Standard Timing (IST). The full eclipse will start from 10:17 am with the maximum eclipse occurring at 12:10 pm.

In this eclipse, Mercury is also getting eclipsed. So Varahamihra says

26) If Budh should be so eclipsed the men of Magada, of Muttra and those on the banks of Veena river will suffer miseries while the rest of the land will enjoy the happiness of Krithayuga. Veena river is the branch of Krishna river and it is in Mahabaleshwar. Maghada kingdom was spread along India, Bangaldesh and Nepal, Muttra is obviously Mathura. We can assume that the troubles are connected to the Nepal area, and Maharashtra are and U.P area. That is true at the outset of border issues in Nepal and COVID spread in Maharashtra as well as UP.

He again says If Sun or Moon that means solar or lunar eclipse. 


‘’If they should be eclipsed when in Dhanur, ministers, fine horses, Videhas, Mullas, Panchalas, physicians, merchants and persons skilled in the use of destructive weapons will perish. If when in Makara, fishes, families of ministers, Chandalas, skilled magicians, and physicians and old soldiers will perish. “ the first lunar eclipse in the month of June was in the sign of Sagittarius( Dhanu) 


Sagittarius itself is the rasi for politicians, mass movements, civil uprisings. So, we know ministers, army, Mullas, whoever mentioned by Varahamihira is in trouble. Here it shows more trouble for ministers and their families. We lost many doctors due to the Covid issue.



(37) If they should be eclipsed when in Mithuna, chaste women, princes, powerful petty chiefs, learned men, people living on the banks of Jumna and rulers of Balhika and Matsia with their subjects will suffer miseries. 

Balhika kingdom includes   North/West/Central/ Eastern India, North East, Pakistan, Bangladesh,. Matsya Kingdom means Rajastan area

The last lunar eclipse was in the sign of Mithuna/Gemini. None of these areas are safe due to multiple reasons. Especially Nepal area. 



Again Varahamihira says 



76) If eclipses should fall in lunar month of Jyeshta89, Brahmins, queens of the reigning sovereign, crops, rain, large gatherings of men, beautiful persons, Salpas and Nishadas will suffer 


So, the Jyeshta month will end by June 21st and then the Ashada month starts. There will be a lunar eclipse on July 6th in the sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter also will be eclipsed. 



(77) If eclipses should fail in lunar month of Ashadha90, wells, wet fields and rivers will become dry; dealers in roots and fruits, people of Gandhara, of Cashmere, of Pulinda and of China will perish; and there will be an abundance of rain 


We know Gandhara is the region of Afganistan, Pulinda area is Vindhya range, Cashmere is obviously Kashmir, then comes China. So, we know the future of China is not bright. 


Firstly, there is a lot of disintegration within the Chinese Republic. It is a closed economy and we know only what comes out through government sources. There is a lot of unrest, and that is been suppressed by power and money. 


China’s Horoscope







They are running through Mercury-Mercury Mahadasa

  Mer-Mer  24/09/2019  20/02/2022


 Mercury is rightly in the house for civil uprisings, mass movements, law, and politics. Mercury is retrogression and exalted. Mercury is hemmed between the Sun and Ketu as well. Such a Mercury will always make a person very crooked.  I assure you there will be a lot of internal issues once when they enter the mid of mErcury/Mercury dasa. The status and the look of the country will change in the upcoming antar dasas of Mercury, which are not in a positive note. Throughout the Mercury dasa, they will on and off attack their neighboring countries and will have enmity with other countries as well, as the third house of neighbors have Rahu and they somehow want to conquer the world. Guys, this Corona virus was purposefully leaked out from their lab as Rahu is also known as Virus. Once when their Mercury dasa started they started using bioweapons. The impact of an eclipse will last from 6 months to 1 year, so for the next 1 to 2 years is very crucial for Indo-Chinese relationships. For India also the mahadasa of the planet which rules the 3rd house is taking place, which is also not good news for us.  In India’s horoscope, the 9th house and third house is also active, same like China. This is a hard time for the internal peace of country as well. 


I have explained it better in my Malayalam articles for

This solar eclipse is not in favor of India as it is in the sign of Gemini, which is coming in the 2nd house of self-esteem, and power. Mars is in that house. So, Mars also will get eclipsed. 

Varahamihira says this 

(60)  If Mangal should see eclipsed disc there will be war in the land and fear from fire and robbers. 

It’s not me who said. It is told by Varahamihira 

The impact of an eclipse will last from 6 months to one year

Mangal Means MARS

So, rest I leave it to GOD.

Weekly Horoscope: June14-June 21




This will be a challenging week for all the zodiac signs as the Sun will be drowning into the water sign of Cancer. Other than that Mercury will be starting its slow down mode in this same sign. All these will reflect at your family, home, personal life, and your career. The family life will be very eventful and it was eventful for the past few days. There will be real estate deals, traveling from family, and some repairing work at home. There will be a very packed environment at home and that can make you distracted as well. You have a lot of work at home as well as from your office. This can naturally distract you. Your family members will need a lot of support from you and they will be very demanding. This is not an ideal time to make solo moves, so, you have to discuss everything with your family. Mercury when retrogrades through the sector for family, there will be arguments, discussions, and concerns regarding the wellbeing of the family members. There will be a lot of short projects from work and that will require frequent corrections too. You have to take care of your electronic devices as during Mercury retrogression they will need repair. The obstacles in the travel plans also will be at a higher rate. 

  You can check this Link For June Monthly Horoscope and Weekly Predictions







From this week onwards, Mercury will make a very complex move through the sign of Cancer. It will start its slow down mode and that can be a troubling time for all the signs. For you, Mercury will be impacting your communications and analytical power, so you need to think twice before whatever you do and speak. You will be having some travel plans and they can get some kind of challenge. Likewise, your electronic devices also will need some repair. There will be a lot of workloads, but it can get frequently disturbed. This is a phase where your siblings, neighbors, or small communities can be very demanding with you. There are chances for frequent arguments and miscommunications with them. Whenever the third house of the natal chart is under some influence, you will have physical issues. It can come as headache, ENT issues, or shoulder pain. For those who have Cervical spondylosis, they should be very careful and take precautions. Your financial matters are also not configured in a promising way for the last few weeks due to the Venusian retrogression. That phase will continue this week as well. You will have to be very frugal as unexpected expenses can come up. 


  You can check this Link For June Monthly Horoscope and Weekly Predictions



For the last few weeks, Mercury was making you very communicative regarding your finances and career. They were going in somewhat a promising mode. From this week onwards things will change into a complex mode as Mercury will start moving in a slow mode manner and the Sun also will get into the water sign of Cancer. Both the planetary moves will be bringing up some challenges and that will be exclusive regarding your finances and career. You must be careful about these. During the entire slow down phase, you will be argumentative and that can naturally create unhappiness at home as well as work. At work, you will have to be careful; otherwise, there will be a lot of rework. Your colleagues and managers can be very demanding. Please do not take any risk with your job. There will be a financial crunch, and this is not the time to get into any instant money-making plans too. You have to take care of your physical health as well. There will be distractions at work and you have to go the extra mile to finish them. Try to avoid any kind of lending and borrowing as during this time, the universe is not much in favor of you and it will reflect in your personal life. 

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Your personal life is very important during this week as the Sun will be in the sign of Cancer from this week onwards. The Sun is not very happy to be in the sign of Cancer and Mercury also will be in a slowdown mode. Both the planets are not friendly planets for you. So, there will be some issues mainly regarding your personal life and relationships. It can be your official relationships as well. There will be miscommunications and you should not be in a haste to reach for every situation. This is a complex phase for your relationships as well. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, you can get fake hopes as well as fake offers. So, you should not trust any such thing completely during these days. Try to cross-examine such offers, otherwise, you can get misguided. Minor physical issues like headaches and digestive problems can also come up and that will be the matter of the transit. Once when transit is over, then you will be alright. Still, you should not ignore it. The situation at work will continue like last week only as Venus is still in a slowdown mode. You should focus on perfection at work. Otherwise, there will be long-lasting issues. 

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You are emotional for multiple reasons for the past few weeks and in the coming week also you will have to fight for your emotional strength. From this week onwards Mercury will start it’s slow down and that will make you very curious. It will push you towards learning science and fiction. There will be a lot of interest in spiritual matters as well. This will be some kind of escapism, but this is the need of the time too. You will have to spend a lot of time encouraging yourself. There will be some concerns regarding your work, and that can be there for some more time. The Sun and Mercury are aspecting your work and that will show you the exact situation at work. You will have to keep a healthy distance from your colleagues as well. Please don’t get fascinated by any job offer these days. Venus is still impacting your long term goals. You were having specific plans, but for the last few weeks, you are confused. It is due to the Venus retrogression and this planet will turn direct very soon. Until then you have to be patient. During this week also there will be working in a long term project. Team relations can go through a complex phase. 

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For the past few weeks, you are trying to make some decisions regarding your future. You were going aimless, and from this week onwards, the challenges can get more complex. Mercury, the planet for analytical capability, will start its slow down mode. This will further bring uncertainty regarding your long term plans. You should not take any firm decision regarding your future these days. Let it be your personal or professional life. There will be team discussions and your teammates may not be very happy with the current moves. You may have to slow down regarding your future. At work, you can have some creative projects, but they will not be as easy as you think. Venus, the planet for creativity and self-expression is moving in a very slow mode and that can affect the impact of your efficiency. So, you should be very careful when you do any work. The chances for rework and corrections are high. There will be some heated conversations at work, so you have to keep your job secure. Stay away from all kinds of complexities otherwise; there will be long term damages. Family-related matters also will be prominent. There will be events like relocation, family meetings, and discussion with family members. 

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 All the Librans around the world are focusing on their career. Mercury is in the sign of Cancer and during this week, Mercury will start its slow down mode. This will make the career sector a little complex. Mercury indicates communication and intellect, and when Mercury goes retrograde, there will be some challenges. It can affect your decision making power. So, at work, you will have to be very careful. There can be some communication issues, so cross-check your official communication as well as projects before final submission. You will have important discussions with your managers during this week as well. There are huge chances for misunderstandings, so you need to be careful. However, this is not the time to get into any new job putting the existing one into risk. There can be some concerns regarding your siblings as well. You will get some offers to join a new team, but you should be careful enough before you join it. As the last week, this week also will be showing some foreign collaboration. You will have a lot of communications with people from far places too. The travel plans will get not get materialized soon, even if you travel, there will be some challenges. However, there will be a lot of opportunities for students to learn new skills.  

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 Venus is still moving in a slowdown mode and it is impacting your finances just like the last week. During this week also you will have financial issues and you have to be very careful. Your challenges can majorly come from finances and partnerships. Partners from personal or professional life can have some concerns. This is a time to discuss the possibility of joint ventures. Discussions with in-laws are also seen. Opportunities for shared projects are also seen. There will be some new beginnings from the partnerships. Arguments regarding financial matters can also come up with your partners. You will try to make more money through part-time projects. Spending and lending are also seen. Please stay away from any quick money-making deals. You can have a lot of emotional concerns and this is just the part of the transit. Mercury will start its slow down mode from this week onwards and that will bring hurdles regarding your long trips  Pilgrimages and spiritual retreats also can come up during this week. You will try to do a lot of projects with your communication skills. Opportunities for writing and publishing also can come up. Skill development programs are also seen. Due to this retrogression, your electronic devices will need repair. Learning and training sessions can also be coming up. 

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 Mercury will start its retrogression through the sign of Cancer. This move is going to remind you about the past financial matters. There will be multiple financial transactions too. You will have to settle some financial matters. During this week, you will be discussing the possibilities of partnership projects. However, this is not the right time for that. Discussions with in-laws are also seen. Opportunities for shared projects are also seen. Someone will share a good word with you. So, you have to be very careful, otherwise, there will be many challenges from the finances as well as partnerships. You will try to make more money through part-time projects. Spending and lending are also seen. The Venusian retrogression will continue for a few more days and that will bring your past partners and friends to you. For multiple reasons, this is not the proper time to start or rekindle any relationships. You have to be very watchful as your opponents are also active and that can bring some hurdles. Please take care while you socialize. Any personal or professional relationships which you started may not last long, so don’t set too much of hopes in anything which you started during this retrogression phase. 

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 This is a very happening week for your personal and professional relationships. The Sun will enter the water sign of Cancer and that will bring some unhappiness regarding your relationships. Mercury will also start its retrograde and that will surely bring your old friends or ex to you. However, any new thing started during the retrogression will not last long, so you should think twice before you start or rekindle something. There will be some changes in the existing relationships, and you should be very careful regarding that. It can be personal or professional relationships. You have to work hard for the betterment of the relationships. Your partners can be very demanding. New contracts and deals also can come up. A lot of one to one discussion is also seen. Venus retrogression is making your health and work a little complex. This planet will end its retrogression during the next week, so until next week, there will be add on projects. You may have to work and a lot and rest are very much required. Still, the workload may not be always supporting good health. So, you will be very curious about health and you may even take up a new medication. 

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 Mercury will start its naughty mode from this week onwards and that is not very positive for you regarding your work and health. When Mercury starts its retrograde motion, you can have a communication issue. You will have to work hard or do some rework. Please make sure your official communications are not faulty. There will be some damage to electronic devices. This move will trigger your work sector. Multiple projects will be part of this phase. There will be additions to the existing project. You will have to work hard to bring some perfection to your job. This is also a time to discuss the progress with your colleagues. Your colleagues can be very demanding and there will be some communication issues as well. Health-related issues also can come up. So, you will take up a new medication or a diet. This is also a time to make a good plan for your liabilities. At times you feel like getting into a silent mode and there is nothing wrong with that. This is a very good time for prayer and healing practices. You should focus only on your life as time is very complex. There will be some clashes with your loved ones. 

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 During this week also the primary focus will be at home and family, just like the last week. There are certain events connected to your family and family members. Venus is moving in a complex mode through this sector, so this will make your family life very hectic. You will have to take care of your family members. There will have physical, emotional, and financial concerns. Family meetings will be a part of this week. Real estate deals and clutter clearing is also seen. Fixing and repairing is also a part of this week. You will even argue with your friends and family. Guests can come up during this week. Problem-solving sessions are also seen at home. Breathing issues are also possible during this week. So, you have to take care of that. This is not a great time to move on your own. It will be good if you discuss everything with your family. The Sun and Mercury will make your creative projects very complex. Mercury will start its slow down mode and you should not spend money or effort in speculative ventures. Your children will need more care and attention too. However, this is a complex week and you need to move carefully. 


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Your Weekly Horoscopes: May 31 to June 6, 2020


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

 During the fifth of this week, a powerful lunar eclipse will trigger the sign of Sagittarius. This will bring some concerns regarding long travels and your projects from a communication-related domain. A lot of work and there will be corrections too. This is not a great week for students and teachers. They will have a lot of burden regarding their projects. Foreign or long trips can also be burdensome. However, this is a good time to pray and meditate. Your family matters are very important and you will have to give more care to your family members. There will be some modifications at home as well. You will see that your home needs more improvement. The life of your siblings and siblings like people will be very much evolving too. Career-related stress is also seen, so you have to focus more on perfection. Multiple projects will be coming up and that can be a little burdensome. Business owners will try to improve it, but that also will be risky. Too much communication can be risky as well as physically challenging. This is a busy as well as complex week.

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Your June 2020 Horoscopes



Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Your concerns regarding finances are real and it is not going to end soon. During this week a powerful lunar eclipse will highlight it, but there are plenty of chances to get part-time projects. That will surely help you to be financially stable. At the same time, you need to be careful not to miss such opportunities. There will be a lot of issues regarding your partnerships and shared projects. This is not a good time for lending and borrowing. Venus, your ruler is not going in a direct mode and that shows confusion regarding your self-esteem. It will again trigger your financial needs. You are trying to improve your job, but there are a lot of visible challenges. Try to avoid spending otherwise; there will be a lot of long term challenges. Short trips will be part of this week. Your siblings will have a lot of needs. Business owners, teachers, and banking professionals will have a hard time. Your sibling’s life will be very eventful. So, you need to be very careful.

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Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

 You want a change in your personal as well as professional life, but the situations are not supporting that. The lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius during this week is going to trigger your relationship sector. You want to apply some new rules into those relations, but the opposite parties may not agree with it. That can bring arguments in relationships. Your spouse or partner may accuse you as well as your legal partners. The lunar eclipse will bring completions into relationships as well as legal agreements. However, this is not a safe phase for your career aspects. So, don’t take up any risks in any relationship. Your physical and mental health should improve, but you have to put an effort into that during this Venus retrograde you may feel like improving your health and beauty, but it may not always be a success. At the same time, the solar aspect of your finances is also showing complexities. You should be wise with your finances; otherwise, there will be long term issues.

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Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) 

 your physical and mental health will be very important during this week as the lunar eclipse is going to trigger your health during this week. A new medication is seen and you should keep a low profile. You should not get into any verbal spat with your colleagues; otherwise, you will have bad days at work. Please focus on your job and make some necessary adjustments, otherwise, you will be unhappy for the whole week. Don’t take any risk with your present job, unless until you are sure about career plans. You have a lot of spiritual, physical, and emotional needs during this week and that will be projected by the solar transit. This transit is going to show you what you are and who you are. Your opposite parties will have a role in that. There will be arguments with your spouse or business partner. Try to have a cordial relationship with all. Otherwise, you will be stressed out. During this week, there will some projects from foreign lands as well.

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Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) 

  This is a very important week for your creative energies as the lunar eclipse is going to trigger the sign of Sagittarius. This will show you the need of completing your creative projects. Business owners and artists are going to have a volatile time. So, it will not be wise to invest your time, energy, and money in futile ventures. Control your urge to invest in speculative business too. Even if you want to invest, then you must take an expert opinion. There will be multiple concerns regarding your ventures. The need of children and youngsters will be increasing and you will spend more time with them. However, you will be working with the team and team issues also will be a part of this week. You will be meeting with your old teammates. There will be occasional gains as well as expenses. You will have to control your anxiety; otherwise, it can stress you out. Your subconscious mind is highly active and that will bring complex thoughts.

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Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your concerns can get highlighted during this week as the lunar eclipse is going to trigger your career as well as your home. Firstly, you feel that you are somehow trapped regarding family matters. There will be some challenges regarding family members. Especially elderly figures in the family will need a lot of support and care. You have to take care of their health and happiness. There are chances to go for some kind of real estate deals. Relocation, shifting, repairing at home, can be the part of this lunar eclipse. Venus is in the career house and retrograding and that shows challenges at work. There will be unpleasant communication with your colleagues as well as managers. They will be looking at your behavior and pattern of work. Your projects may lag during this time. There are real challenges regarding work, so don’t get into any verbal spat with anyone. Team relations are very important and there will be team discussions as well.

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Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

  The lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius is going to make you work hard and that won’t be easy. Every sign is going through a tough time during this week  and you also have to play your role. There are concerns regarding your siblings and relatives. They do expect a lot from you and that can be a little tiresome. There will be a lot of communication in personal and professional life. That itself will make you very much distracted. So, you have to be very careful with your physical health. The neck to hands area is very sensitive and that can cause minor issues like neck or shoulder pain. There will be a lot of interactions with people from foreign lands. Students and teachers will have some sessions, that too with difficulty. At work, you will have a lot of short projects too. There will be new policies at work and your bosses will have new plans. They will ask for your assistance.

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Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) 

 All the Scorpios around the world are going to have a tough time regarding finances. The powerful lunar eclipse in the fire sign of Sagittarius will project your concerns regarding finances. You will have to stop spending money on simple matters. Otherwise, there will be long term financial issues. Your career will be very important as you may not feel very much secure about it. When the Moon hits the second house of values, you will naturally feel the need for more self-esteem. You may at times feel others do not respect your ideologies. Please don’t expect anyone to accept your perspective and don’t argue for that. However, this is a good week to get some minor projects, but you should not feel that they are unimportant. These projects will be a support for you in troubling times. You should not take up any financial commitments during these days. Venus, the planet for money is retrograding and that will be a major challenge.

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Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) 

  This is your week as the lunar eclipse is going to approach you soon with a lot of events. Most of them can be very emotional too. The watery Moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius can put you little down as when Water and Fire elements together indicate combustion. This will reflect in your life as emotions. You will have concerns regarding your personal and social life. There will be some arguments with your dear and near ones too. However, you will feel like being break free. There will be some opportunities to end certain relationships. You may disown someone, whom you feel of no importance in your life. At the same time, you will be meeting with your old partners or friends. You may have to settle some unresolved issues with them. Another major challenge will be coming from your finances. This is not a good phase for doing something related to shared projects. Any new financial plans will not be ideal during this week.

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Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

  The universe is playing very naughty these days and it is mighty energy and we humans are nothing in front of it. It will put a check in front of you through a mighty lunar eclipse and that will trigger your emotional needs. It is not wise to come out and play a social butterfly when the twelfth house of your chart is activated. What you need is a lot of rest and silence.  During this week, people may come to you with the wrong intention, so try to be a little detached, so that you can be in a safe mode. There will be some concerns regarding work as well due to the Venusian retrograde. There will be a lot of work as well as corrections. You will somehow make some mistakes. You should take care of that, otherwise, there will be a lot of pressure from your peers. They expect a lot from you. Your partnership and relationship sector is also active and that will bring new people into your life. However, please make sure they are genuine.

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Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

 The lunar eclipse will be the major planetary event during this week and that will be impacting your long term projects. There will be completions in your long term projects. This is a good time to focus on your long-term associations and group settings. New long-term projects can come up. You will try to renew the existing terms and conditions in the relationships. Children and youth groups will get your attention. Projects from scientific and Research for new projects also can come up. You may work with large groups. They may come from foreign lands as well. Charity programs are also seen. However, there will be some issues in team relationships. There may be some challenges from the health and work-related sector. New projects may come up. There may be some job-related training. Relationships with colleagues will be very transformative. You may have to take care of your health as well. Try to have a natural diet as well. Your creative projects are also very important, but there will be some rework. Businessmen and artists should be very careful with their ventures.

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Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

  A powerful lunar eclipse will trigger your career sector and it indicates completions. You will complete some projects and that will be very important. The Moon is not a great planet to be in the career house, so you have to be very careful with your projects. You will have serious communication with your colleagues and bosses. You should be more listening to them than giving your opinion. Relationships with them can go through some challenges. However, during this week, there will be a lot of demand from your workplace. Your family life is also important due to the retrograde of Venus. Your family members will have a lot of demands. They will need your assistance  during this week and that may not be very pleasant. Various real estate deals also can come up. There may be a continuation in the discussions. You will have serious discussions with your family members and make sure you are not arguing with them. Renovation and modification also are seen.

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