Category: Mixed Reflections
Write Ups On Various Subjects
Astrological Combinations for Foreign Travel and Settlement
Mr. Trump has deported many Indians, that too in chained mode, which was a disheartening event, but I cannot blame him as these people were intruders, and a high security country like the US will treat all the intruders like the way they wanted. Now the turn is for those who were supporting a terrorist country like Palestine, who wants to acquire Jewish land through unsolicited and violent way like they way they acquire land all over the world.
In this situation, people will naturally go panic by thinking whether to move abroad or not, to any country as all the countries are taking step against intruders, especially after Islamic terrorism is in its peak.
In this crucial situation, astrology has the power to let you know whether you can travel abroad, or you will have long term settlements.
For this purpose, you need to have accurate birth details, in this format, Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth. The time of birth is very important as it can fix your lagna, as the horoscope analysis starts from lagna. For my Malayali readers, you people have the habit to send your nakshatra instead giving time of birth and place of birth, and I don’t understand why. If you don’t know your lagna, then there is no point in mentioning your nakshatra
One of the main condition is you should have planets in these signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. It is because, these signs are moveable signs. These signs show the person will be moving from place to place. The more number of planets in these signs, the person will be moving to more places.
The third house form the lagna also shows travelling away from home as the third house is 12th from the 4th house, which indicates home. So, the third house shows going away from home. When this house has many planets then the chances for foreign travel is sure, and if the 4th lord is in the 3rd house this is a clear indication of foreign stay.
The ninth house indicates long-distance travel, foreign connections, and higher knowledge. This house is not for permanent settlement in most of the cases, but this majorly for travels for career, studies, pilgrimages or leisure. If you have planets in the ninth house, it suggests a strong inclination to travel abroad, study in foreign lands, or be influenced by other cultures.
The 7th house also shows foreign travels and global ventures, so planets in 7th house also shows foreign travels. The first house indicates self and the 7th house is opposite parties, so, if the 7th house has planets, then it shows the native will have some work in the place of opposite cultures. If the ruler of your ascendant is placed in the seventh house, it’s a strong indicator that you will spend significant time in foreign lands.
The 12th house represents distant lands, isolation, and foreign places. If you have multiple planets in the 12th house, especially the Moon or the ascendant ruler, that means your physical body will be in the foreign lands, and if the Moon is there, then the foreign lands will be equally like the mother land.
In astrology, having planets in the third, ninth, seventh, or twelfth houses signifies frequent travel, living abroad, or constant movement. The more planets you have in these houses, the stronger the indication.
Few other combinations are these
1L in 9H: Vice Versa
2L in 9H: Vice Versa
3L in 9H: Vice Versa
4L in 9H: Vice Versa
4L in 9H: Vice Versa
6L in 9H: Vice Versa
7L in 9H: Vice Versa
9L in 9H: Vice Versa
10L in 9H: Vice Versa
12L in 9H: Vice Versa
1L in 12H: Vice Versa
2L in 12H: Vice Versa
3L in 12H: Vice Versa
4L in 12H: Vice Versa
5L in 12H: Vice Versa
6L in 12 H: Vice Versa
7L in 12 H: Vice Versa
9L in 12H: Vice Versa
10 L in 12H: Vice Versa
11L in 12H: Vice Versa
12L in 12H: Vice Versa
Affliction to the 2, 4, and the 10th house is another combination for foreign travel. The affliction for 12th house shows problems in peaceful foreign settlement.
Atmakaraka Amatyakaraka Conjunction: The Most Powerful Jaimini Rajayoga
Atmakaraka Amatyakaraka Conjunction: The Most Powerful Jaimini Rajayoga
After I posted a video on Atmakaraka Amatyakaraka Conjunction, so many people came up with their own charts with similar feature, but it is not literally practical to check, so, I thought I will blog about it.
Chapter 43 of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, named as “ Atha Rajasambandha Yogadhyaya” Sage Parasara gives a lot of planetary combination for royal ascension. This blog is for those people who yearn for success, but be aware that the meaning of success differs from person to person, in different ages too. This blog will surely give better idea about how to use their skills to have more satisfaction. Astrology is all about having more satisfaction, but how much ever we rise in our life; there will be a kind of vacuum, which can only be filled by god almighty.
Parasara has mentioned various planetary combinations here, but I am going to mention only one combination that is Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka conjunction. I am reading BPHS from Sagar Publications by Girish Chand Sharma, and in the Ch. 42, the 3rd scripture says so, if the Amatyakaraka and Atmakaraka are in conjunction the native will be endowed with great intelligence and be king’s minister.
AK( Atma karaka) and Amk( Amatyakaraka) are Jaimini astrology concepts, and they indicates desires of the soul, and the path towards achieving desires of the soul respectively.
What is Atmakaraka
This is the planet with highest degree in your horoscope
What is Amatyakarak
The planet with second highest degree in the horoscope.
In this table you can see the degrees and the name of karakas
In this table Mercury with 21:35:58 degrees is the Atmakaraka, hence Mercury indicates the desires of the soul
Mars with 10:54:04 degrees is Amatyakarak, that means the planet which shows the path towards achieving the soul’s desires mentioned by Mercury/ AK.
Atma =Soul
If AK is the king, Amk is the minister who advices the king about which path or strategy he should apply to achieve success.
Being a corporate employee, I have seen that some people are too engrossed in competing with others to prove their success, but once you start learning astrology, we will understand, the competition is meaningless as everyone will get their own share of success and failures, as it is predestined. What we need to do is identify our path to success, work hard, keep on updating, wait for the time, and be kind to each other. Why compete with each other for predestined things? LOL
When I say AK, Amk conjunction is one combination to make you successful, my readers may not easily understand, so I will share a few horoscope, which shows huge success for an ordinary person. Normally people take the horoscope of celebrities, and they can be verified or unverified. So, these horoscopes belong to people whom I personally know.
Horoscope 1
This horoscope belongs to a female, and you can see AK and AmK conjunction in the 8th house. AK is Sun with 27:45:53 degrees and AmK Mars is with 25:42:12 degrees.
Sun is debilitated, but it has Neecha bhanga rajayoga with Venus, but this is a complex Neecha bhanga, but Sun is also getting Neechabhanga through Saturn, which is in Kendra from Saturn, ie, Moon and Saturn are conjunct and Sun gets debilitated in Libra, where as Saturn gets exalted in Libra, and Sun and Saturn both Kendra from each other.
This person did Bsc and Bed in natural sciences, after that Msc clinical nutrition and dietetics, while doing Msc, she got through NET and JRF, after that she joined PhD in food technology, after that she was working as research consultant.
The horoscope debilitated Sun, but his Amatyakaraka is fully supporting AK, so she has got success in career, but yes, her marital life is not so great as the divorce process is going on but see, not much woman are giving too much of sentiment touch to divorce, the woman of this day realizes the power of being independent than being ruled by a man. This person has a great career; it will take her to the heights. This is called the real royal ascension. She did PhD in central government Institute and research in International Institute, which is a semi government firm, which is funded by Indian Government and Foreign Institutions like UN.
Horoscope 2
This horoscope belongs to a person working in police department
We can see his AK AmK conjunction in the 7th house of padaprapti he is a rising star in his career.
His AK Saturn is 21:53:58 in Virgo and AmK Mars is in 15:34:46 degrees, which made him a royal warrior ( government service). The 7th house specially indicates legal system, law and order and court houses too. He joined police force at the age of 28 when his Jupiter Rahu dasa was operative, and Rahu is conjunct Sun and Moon, which shows an intense grahana dosha, that shows his childhood was very painful and it also shows broken relationship with father.
The nature of AK AmK conjunct people is they will get close association with government. It is one indication of government job, but it always doesn’t indicate government job either.
As per Sage Parasara, there are several combination in connection with AK shows royal ascension, but AK and AmK is a very strong one as the purpose of the soul and your guide to the soul has the same purpose, so you are here to fullfil your desires which were unfinished in the past life. May be you were not in the forefront of the society, so this time, lord is giving you a chance to come to the front and serve the society through your talents.
We can see in the above two horoscope, flaws for various planets, but they both rose to a great career despite the challenges in personal life. This guidance which the AK AmK conjunction gives is so powerful and it has the power to suppress the challenges in the personal life.
However, if both the planets have serious damages like no Neecha bhanga, or no benefic aspect, then the path towards royal ascension will be less effective and government can even be your enemy as well.
You need to check this yoga in Lagna horoscope.
Those who doesn’t have this combination may be discouraged, but let me tell you, there are many other rajayogas in astrology. You may have them, check it
“Finding Love and Marriage Compatibility with Astrology
I recently had a conversation with one of my astrology students, a working professional who is married with a nine-year-old child. Our topic was marriage, as he was struggling deeply in his own. Knowing him well, I can vouch for his respectful and gentle nature. The primary challenge in his life is the unhappiness rooted in his marriage. Despite his efforts to make the relationship work, his wife’s contribution appears minimal.
As he also studies astrology, he has come to realize that marital happiness wasn’t promised in his horoscope, and he has chosen to accept it. This acceptance has brought him peace, reminding me of John 8:32 from the Bible: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Knowing this truth has liberated him from unrealistic expectations, allowing him to focus more on his studies, career, his astrology practice, and his child’s education.
I know at least ten astrologers who have refrained from marriage upon recognizing a lack of promise in their charts. One woman astrologer I know chose to live with a partner, yet one day he vanished without a trace. Though she knew her chart didn’t favor a lasting love life, she took the risk, perhaps out of hope. She once critiqued another astrologer, Kapiel Raaj, for not being a Brahmin and thus, in her view, unqualified to practice astrology. Yet, despite her heritage and credentials, she herself was abandoned.
Relationship consultations are indeed complex, and at times, I feel uneasy interpreting charts for clients. One client from Maharashtra sought my guidance after a divorce. When I mentioned that marriage isn’t guaranteed for everyone, she became so frightened she requested a refund, even before the actual consultation—a relief for me, as explaining this face-to-face can be challenging.
In 2023 and 2024, I conducted many relationship consultations, often needing to be blunt about the realities I saw in clients’ charts. One young woman, a cabin crew member, had endured multiple relationships and abortions, yet continued searching for true love. Many clients like her seek that elusive “soulmate.” Over time, I stopped sugar-coating predictions about delayed marriages, realizing it was more helpful to be honest.
As a realistic astrologer, I don’t subscribe to the romanticized concept of soulmates. Soulmates, as portrayed in popular belief, simply don’t exist. Our souls are not bound to just one; in countless lives, we form karmic bonds with many. Fixating on a single soulmate notion overlooks this complex past.
Today, relationships come in various forms—live-in, extramarital, LGBTQIA+, situationships, long-distance, and even one-night stands. These varieties bring new complexities. From an astrological perspective, regardless of marital status, it’s crucial for Mars and Venus to align well without negative aspects. Mars, representing youth and vitality, plays a vital role, especially as most relationships begin in one’s youth. Marriage, however, is transformative, and some individuals undergo drastic changes post-marriage, for better or worse.
For women, Venus ideally should have a lower degree than Mars, as this supports the traditional role of a man guiding his partner, as symbolized in the word “bridegroom.” Yet, Adam couldn’t “guide” either his first wife, Lilith, or his second, Eve, resulting in complicated relationships. If Mars and Venus are well-placed, one may find early love, while Jupiter’s position often determines relationship quality after marriage for women. Poor Jupiter placements correlate with challenging marital outcomes, a common pattern I’ve observed.
Some clients are overly focused on their Navamsa (divisional chart) rather than the Lagna (ascendant) chart, though I believe the Lagna chart holds the most weight. In my experience, I’ve never seen a “perfect” relationship—only those built on compromise and sacrifice.
With today’s options, it’s easy to enter relationships but challenging to sustain them. I’ve seen individuals juggle multiple relationships, a scenario made more complex by the rise of bisexuality, which can disrupt stable relationships. Many are married yet have undisclosed bisexual leanings unknown to their spouses.
When asked, “Whom should I choose as a partner?” my response is that our partners, like our parents, aren’t ours to choose; it’s pre-determined by divine law. Marriage selection is no different from our choice of parents. Horoscope matching, in my view, doesn’t truly work, as compatibility goes beyond it.
Mercury’s placement is also essential as it governs communication—whether one is sweet, harsh, intelligent, or blunt. A strong Mercury favors positive communication, which is crucial in any relationship.
Of course, not all relationships are doomed. Many couples lead harmonious lives, but as my Guruji, Shree K.N. Rao, once said: “Until a woman realizes her freedom, the unit of family will exist. After that, no stable families.” This insight speaks to the changes in modern relationships and the pressures they face today.
Mars in Vedic Astrology
The Essence of Bhavat Bhavam Concept in Vedic Astrology
The Essence of Bhavat Bhavam Concept in Vedic Astrology
In of Vedic astrology, the Bhavat Bhavam concept stands as a pillar of interpretation, shedding light on the intricate web of planetary influences within a birth chart. This concept, rooted in the ancient wisdom of Jyotish shastra, unveils hidden layers of meaning by examining the house that’s as far away from any given house as that house is from the Ascendant. Let’s delve into the essence of Bhavat Bhavam and explore its significance in understanding the nuances of one’s destiny.
Bhavat Bhavam, translated as “the house from the house,” is a fundamental principle in Vedic astrology that provides deeper insights into the matters pertaining to a specific house by examining its counterpart. The concept operates on the premise that the effects of a house can be understood by analyzing its relative position from another house, mirroring its significance and influence.
For instance, to comprehend the matters related to the 7th house, we look at the 7th house from the 7th house itself, which is the 1st house. This approach allows astrologers to gain a comprehensive understanding of relationships, partnerships, and individual identity, as reflected in the 7th house.
Similarly, to grasp the dynamics of the 10th house, we examine the 10th house from the 10th house, which is the 7th house. This analysis provides insights into career, professional achievements, and public image, as indicated by the 10th house.
The Bhavat Bhavam concept operates on the principle of symmetry and balance within the birth chart, highlighting the interconnectedness of different areas of life. By exploring the relationship between houses and their counterparts, astrologers can unravel the underlying patterns and themes shaping an individual’s destiny.
One of the key advantages of the Bhavat Bhavam concept is its ability to provide nuanced interpretations that go beyond surface-level analysis. For example, while the 7th house traditionally represents marriage and partnerships, examining the 7th house from itself (the 1st house) offers insights into the individual’s approach to relationships, their sense of self, and their overall identity. Likewise 2nd from 2nd=3, 3rd from 3rd=5 4th from 4th=7, 5th from 5th=9, 6th from 6th house, 8th from 8th house=3rd house etc
Similarly, delving into the 10th house from itself (the 7th house) allows astrologers to assess not only the individual’s career path and achievements but also their interactions with authority figures, business partnerships, and public perception.
The Bhavat Bhavam concept also underscores the importance of context and perspective in astrological analysis. Rather than viewing each house in isolation, astrologers consider its relationship to other houses and their counterparts, creating a holistic picture of the individual’s life journey.
Moreover, the Bhavat Bhavam concept offers valuable insights into the remedial measures and strategies for addressing challenges or enhancing positive outcomes in specific areas of life.
Practical applications of the Bhavat Bhavam concept extend beyond individual chart analysis to compatibility assessments, electional astrology, and predictive techniques. By applying this concept creatively and skillfully, astrologers can offer valuable guidance and support to clients seeking clarity and direction in various aspects of life.
In conclusion, the Bhavat Bhavam concept serves as a cornerstone of interpretation in Vedic astrology, offering a nuanced understanding of the interconnectedness of different areas of life within a birth chart. By examining houses and their counterparts, astrologers can uncover hidden layers of meaning, provide insightful guidance, and empower individuals to navigate life’s journey with clarity and purpose.
The Dasa Change of Arvind Kejriwal
I was looking for my old articles, which I wrote for, in my weekly forecast series. I had written some articles at the onset of the 2019 general elections about a few national leaders, including Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Rahu Gandhi, Arvind Kejriwal, and a few more. I was searching for that, but I think they deleted older articles when they revamped the website. I did search in my sent mails also, but due to the gmail storage issue, I also deleted those soul-filling articles that I wrote, putting out my heart, and I really enjoyed writing them.
Today, when I heard about Arvind Kejriwal’s legal custody, I thought I would write a fresh article. Sincerely, I forgot what I wrote in 2019. I really feel bad that I did not back it up. Anyhow, let’s see the back story of the AK legal dilemma.
This arrest is connected to liquor policy. In 2021, the Delhi government introduced a liquor policy, changing the old liquor policy. The changes were brought up in excise duty. Additionally, the system was redesigned to keep the same number of liquor shops in all areas so that the government could stop accumulating these shops in one particular area. So, according to the geographical location, there should be two liquor shops in every location identified by the government. At the same time, this policy was scrapped in 2022. The reason was that revenue after executing this policy came down, so that affected the finances. At this point, I would like to remind those BJP bhakts who yell at the Kerala government that they make money through liquor and lottery that, last year, the government that made maximum revenue through liquor sales was your Yogiji’s UP government. Yes, blink your eyes and accept the truth. Kerala is much behind that.
Please click the link taken from The Print
Going back to AK, on July 20, 2022, the Delhi Chief Secretary reports violations in the liquor policy.
On July 20, 2022, the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi recommends a CBI investigation.
On August 20, 2022, the CBI raids Manish Shishodia, who is the Deputy CM.
On August 22, 2022, ED filed a money laundering case on liquor policy.
In September 2022, AAP communications head Vijay Nair got arrested by the CBI
On March 20, 2023, Manish Sisodia got arrested.
On October 20, 2023, AAP leader Sanjay Singh got arrested by the ED
On October 20, 2023, ED sent its first summons to AK.
They sent nine summonses, but AK skipped all
On March 21, 2024, AK appealed to the high court for interim bail; the Delhi high court rejected that, and he was arrested on the 21st.
In the press note released by ED, it says that AK is the master conspirator of this liquor scam. It says that the South Lobby is very much in connection with AK through K. Kavita, who is the leader of Bhartita Rashtra Samitii. Now it will be interesting to know who K. Kavita is as a member of the Telangana legislative council, and she is the daughter of the first chief minister of the Telangana state KCR.
Now, during the legal battle in court, we will see whether AK is innocent or not.
Before going into the details, let me tell you that AK is not afraid of the BJP.
AK is a Leo lagna, and right now his Jupiter Rahu antardasa is running. It will end by March 24, 2024, which means after 2 days the antardasa will be over and then his Saturn dasa will start. It will still take March 31st as the end date of the Rahu antardasa.
The last dash of Jupiter was very challenging for him, as it started in 2021. In 2021, the new liquor policy was implemented by the AAP government.
Nov. 17, 2021: The AAP government implements a new liquor policy. That time, AK’s Jupiter Rahu started. Rahu indicates alcohol addiction, and in his horoscope, Rahu is in Pisces, which is a water sign, and Rahu Ketu is in the 2/8 axis. Both the 2nd and 8th axes indicate addictions, as the 2nd house indicates food consumption and the 8th house indicates addiction.
He has this papa kartari yoga in his lagna as Sun and is debilitated. Mars is in the 12th house, and Ketu is in the 2nd house, forming bandhana yoga as well.
On March 30th, his Saturn dasa will start, and in his chart, Saturn is retro and conjunct with the Moon, forming Visha yoga. Saturn is an enemy planet to his lagna, as he is a Leo lagna, and the lagna lord Sun is Saturn’s arch enemy. Moreover, Saturn is in debilitation with a complex neecha bhanga due to the placement of Mars in the 12th house, and Mars is also in neecha.
Saturn is the planet for justice and karma, and in his chart, it is conjunct with the Amatyakaraka planet, the Moon. Saturn is also the lord of the 6th house of court cases and the 7th house of padaprapti, so from various points of view, we can see AK is going into deep trouble.
The Dasa Lord Saturn is in Mars‘s sign, and Mars is the yoga karaka planet for Leo Lagna. As an astrology enthusiast, I think if the yoga karaka planet is not in good dignity, it will give bad results during its maha dasa and antardasa. I have seen yoga karka dasa giving natives and divorces, so what I think in connection with yoga karka is that the planet should be in a good house so that it can deliver the best. Moreover, Dasa Lord Saturn is conjunct with the Moon, and the Moon and Mars are forming a parivartana yoga.
If you have a yoga, but it is forming with complexities, then be ready to face so many complexities during the mahadasa and antardasa of that planet.
For AK, the beginning of the mahadasa is bad, and he will take some time to come out of this. The main thing is that he is in ED custody; that doesn’t mean that he is the culprit, but the matter has to be argued, and the court has to decide upon listening to the evidence. The evidence has not been shown to AK yet.
He has this bandhana yoga that is too prominent in Lagna, so he is already imprisoned. Now that the general elections are on the verge, the BJP will do its best to keep the man behind bars so that they can block him from election work. However, since Saturn is retrograde and debilitated in the 9th house of law, it is definite that he will be a part of this legal battle for a long time. In legal cases, it is very difficult to predict who will win the case, as we have to see the horoscope of prominent parties.
However, he did not answer the summons, because he Wanted to Get Arrested, so he must have plan B, thats why he said he will run the government from the prison. Today his wife called up the press meet and assured the same. Legally he can run the government from the prison, so lets see how he does that.
The flip side is , suddenly a fresh wave against ruling party BJP has started flashing all over the country, but the BJP bhakts cant see that. However, I am not someone to speak against the ruling party, but certainly I feel, somewhere the democracy is being compromised here. The BJP govt could do this much earlier, but they are doing on the same phase of elections, then the intention of BJP government is in question and I fear, this will backlash on them especialluy when they want to get 400 seats as a single party. Still looking at AK’s horoscope I am sure, this man will be here in politics for a long term. Noone can crush his spirit.
Shubha Kartari, or Papa Kartari Yoga in your horoscope. What Results they will Produce.
As the name says, this is an auspicious yoga in Vedic astrology. When an auspicious planet like Jupiter, the waxing moon, Venus, or good mercury are on the 2nd and 12th of any planet or house, it is known as Shubha Kartari. Suppose your 11th house has Jupiter and your 9th house has Venus; then we say the 10th house is in Shubha Kartari. Another example is that if your lagna has a waxing moon without kema druma yoga and the 3rd house has Venus, then the 2nd house will be in shubha kartari yoga. Technically, if any house or planet is supported by auspicious planets from either house of the horoscope, then it forms a shubha kartari yoga.
In Pahaldeepika, chapter 6, it speaks about Shubha Kartari yoga like this: When the 12th and 2nd from the lagna are occupied by benefics, the yoga so formed is called Subhakartari. If these houses are occupied by malefics, the resultant yoga is called Papakartari.
Subhakartari Yoga at birth will make a person long-lived, fearless, healthy, and without enemies. Papakartari Yoga will make the person miserable bereft of his wife and children. He will have defective limbs and have a short life. This is the description in Phaladeepika.
Even though Pahaldeepika speaks only about this yoga in connection with lagna, i.e., if the 12th and 2nd houses have good planets, then it brings Shubha kartari yoga, or if the 12th and 2nd houses have malefics, then it has papakartari yoga. These days, astrologers check this lagna with all the houses. For example, if the 4th house is in Shubha Kartari, it is a good yoga for happiness at home, having your own house and conveyances, and having a good relationship with the mother.
If the 10th house is in Papa Kartari yoga, then the native will struggle in their career. There will be a kind of dissatisfaction with the job.
The remedies for papakartari yoga are not to take any risks related to the house, which is under this papakartari yoga. In this yoga, we take only natural benefics and malefics into consideration. Not the temporary benefics and malefics. This yoga can form any divisional chart, which requires expert interpretation. There will be numerous yogas in one horoscope , if one shows negative results, there will be multiple other yogas which shows progress, so we need to look at the horoscope in a totality. Just one good yoga or bad yoga do not show the full results.
Ch:2 Brihad Parasara Hora Sastra , Athavatrara Kadhanadhyaya
Athavatrara Kadhanadhyaya
The name of the chapter is The Great Incarnations of Lord Vishnu. In the beginning of this chapter, Sage Maitreya is asking Sage Parasara to describe whether Lord Vishnu, Shree Rama, and Shree Krishna are endowed with Jeevamsa.
In the first chapter, there is no mention of “Jeevamsa” as a word, but it means five elements in nature.
Firstly, there are many schools of thought in Hindu tradition, but being a monotheist, what I believe is God himself as all the goodness and bad things. As a monotheist, I would say, don’t fall into the trap of various theories about God, as God is a simple concept as well as reality, as God created everything. From he comes the good and evil, if someone says God created good things and someone else created bad things, which is ultimately foolish, as God itself is the reason for everything. God created flowers; they themselves ignite people to rape. It’s very simple; our duty is to choose what we have to do.
Jeevamsa is a vast topic, yet it can be simplified as more human-like nature. For Sage Maitreya’s question, Sage Parasara says that out of the great incarnations of Vishnu, Ram, Krishna, and Varaha are fully godly, and they are filled with paramatma, but the rest of the incarnations have dominant jeevamsa. When we read this chapter, we should realize that Sage Parasara is a monotheist who ardently follows Vishnu. Out of his admiration for Vishnu, he has recited the Vishnu Purana.
Jeevamsa and Paramatmanas
These are the two highlights of this chapter, and only those deeply connected to any kind of theology can understand these terms. Jeevamsa means that part of our life that is required to live on this earth, while Paramatmanas is the supreme spirit that is within us or surrounds us and is indestructible.
Shloka 3–4 has a word, which is unborn Lord. This shloka will take us to the battle ground of Kurukshetra, which is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4. Jnana Yoga
In this chapter of the 5th shloka, Lord Krisha says that he is unborn. That means he never takes birth or dies; that means Lord Vishnu, who is the ultimate god, is eternal without birth or death.
Sage Parasara continues, as Lord Vishnu himself is the force behind all the creations, including the grahas. The ones with more paramatmanas are known as heavenly beings.
The ending paragraph says that people with more Jeevatma are mortals, and those with more paramatmanas reincarnate from various grahas, and after completing the mission on earth, they will merge back into the grahas. At the end of the final destruction, all grahas will merge into Lord Vishnu. Again, Sage Parasara says, only divine people can understand these, and those who know them will become well versed in the past, present, and future. In the last sentence, Sage Parasara says those who don’t acknowledge this science will go to hell named ‘Raurava’ and be reborn as blind.
In this chapter, too, he doesn’t say anything about creation.
Chapter 1, Brihad Parasara Horasastra,Srishtikram Kadhanadhyyaya.
The name of the first chapter of the Brihad Parasara Hora Sastra is Srishtikramakadhanadhyyaya. As the name says, this chapter is about creation. The entire BPHS is presented as a conversation between Sage Parasara and Sage Maitreya.
Sage Maitreya, also known as Maitreya Rishi or Maitreya Maharishi, is a revered figure in Hindu mythology and scriptures. He is considered one of the great sages (rishis) of ancient times and is often depicted as a wise and learned scholar. Maitreya is known for his profound knowledge of spiritual teachings, including the Vedas and other sacred texts. He is particularly associated with being a disciple of Sage Parashara and transmitting his teachings to later generations, especially the Puranas and the Vishnu Purana. Sage Maitreya is also mentioned in various other Hindu texts, where he appears as a conversational partner or a narrator of important mythological events.
The chapter begins with Maitreya requesting Sage Parasara to explain which among these Horā, Ganita and Samhita is great and how this universe was created. How will it end? Relationship with earthlings and heavenly bodies?
Parasara appreciates Sage Maitreya and says, as he has asked a valid question, that astrology is for the benefit of the people, but only a peacefully disposed person can be an astrologer.
Then Sage Parasara describes how the universe was constructed by Lord Vishnu. This single entity contains various energies, which take different forms.
In this chapter, he has mentioned various forms of energies, like, firstly, three gunas.
In 13–15, it says the three powers are Śrī Shakti (Mother Lakshmi) with Sattva-Gun, Bhū Shakti (Mother-Earth) with Rajo-Gun, and Nīl Shakti with Tamo-Gun. Vishnu has all three gunas, but there is a fourth guna, which is coupled with Sri sakti and Bhu sakti.
Shree Shakti: “Shree” often refers to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune in Hinduism. “Shakti” denotes power or energy. So, “Shree Shakti” can be interpreted as the divine power or energy associated with the goddess Lakshmi. It symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and auspiciousness.
Bhu Shakti: “Bhu” means earth or land. So, “Bhu Shakti” could be understood as the divine power or energy associated with the earth. It may symbolize fertility, stability, and nurturing qualities attributed to the earth.
Nil Shakti: “Nil” typically means blue. In Hinduism, blue is often associated with the god Vishnu or his incarnations, such as Krishna. “Shakti” again refers to power or energy. So, “Nil Shakti” could signify the divine power or energy associated with Vishnu or Krishna. It may represent qualities such as preservation, protection, and cosmic order.
These three shaktis are also known as the three gunas.
Sattva Guna: Sattva is the quality of purity, harmony, and light. It represents intelligence, goodness, and positivity. When a person’s mind is predominantly influenced by Sattva Guna, they exhibit qualities such as clarity, peace, and spiritual awareness. Sattva Guna is associated with virtues like compassion, wisdom, and contentment.
Rajo Guna: Raja signifies activity, dynamism, and passion. Rajo Guna is characterized by restlessness, desire, and attachment. When one’s mind is dominated by Rajo Guna, they tend to be driven by ambition, seek pleasure, and engage in various actions motivated by personal gain or achievement. It’s associated with qualities like ambition, restlessness, and competitiveness.
Tamo Guna: Tama represents darkness, inertia, and ignorance. Tamo Guna is associated with qualities such as lethargy, delusion, and inertia. When the mind is under the influence of Tamo Guna, it tends to be clouded by ignorance, laziness, and negativity. This state can lead to behaviors characterized by apathy, procrastination, and dullness.
So, in short, what I think Parasara described about the nature of Lord Vishnu who has positive as well as negative energies in him. That is the content of the first chapter of BPHS, and in this chapter he has not said anything about creation. He is all praise about Lord Vishnu, that’s all.
Decoding Ancient Wisdom: A Concise Overview of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra”
I like to start everything on a positive note and end it on a positive note only. In my daily life also, I like to talk, act and think positively, but practically. However, I have to start this article with a slight negative touch so that I can take an anticipatory bail. The first thing is that I am very bad at keeping promises. I don’t like to give or take promises. I have realized my weakness, so for the last sixteen years, I have not given or taken any promises from anyone. It is a commitment, and I hate commitments, no matter what the commitment is.
You will be wondering why I am whipping out all these, and perhaps, as you may think, I am vetting out my frustration. No, never. I want to start a series of articles about Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra in a simplified manner so that every layman can understand what this beautiful book holds. Today I want to publish the first article in this series, but I have to jot down a few points about myself and my faith so that people can understand my articles better.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, often referred to simply as Parashara Hora Shastra, is a foundational and authoritative text in Vedic astrology (Jyotisha). It is attributed to the ancient sage Parashara and is considered one of the most comprehensive and detailed treatises on astrology within the Vedic tradition. The word “Hora” in the title refers to the study of time and its influence on earthly and individual destinies.
Sage Parasara, a revered figure in Hindu theology, is renowned for his significant contributions to Vedic astrology and ancient Indian scriptures. Believed to have lived during the Dvapara Yuga, he is credited as the founder of the Scriptures in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. He did not write this, but these scriptures were passed through generations as Sruthis, but some years back, these scriptures got into the print form. This comprehensive work outlines the principles of astrology, providing insights into planetary movements, horoscope interpretations, and predictive techniques.
Parasara is also recognized as the father of Vyasa, the sage who composed the epic Mahabharata. His teachings extend beyond astrology, encompassing various aspects of dharma (righteousness), spirituality, and the cosmic order. Parasara’s wisdom is embedded in the Puranas and revered Hindu scriptures, influencing the understanding of cosmic laws and the interconnectedness of life.
Known for his ascetic lifestyle and profound knowledge, Sage Parasara’s legacy endures through the continued study and practice of Vedic astrology. Devotees and scholars alike hold him in high esteem, acknowledging his role in shaping the spiritual and astrological landscape of ancient India. His teachings continue to inspire seekers on the path of self-discovery and cosmic understanding.
The point I want to stress is that BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra) is part of Hindu theology, and it is the collection of Vedic scriptures taught to Sage Maitreya by Sage Parasara. It is ultimately the result of Vedic thoughts rooted in the Vedic deities, Vedic creation, and Vedic philosophy. Meanwhile, I am a hardcore monotheist who doesn’t follow the Vedic lifestyle or Vedic faith.
Many people get confused when I say I am a monotheist. They ask, Are you Christian? I say no. Are you Muslim? I say no. I ask them only one thing: Does God have a religion? Why would God have a religion? Guys, I have no religion, and I have never taught any religion to my children. I am from a Communist family, and by God’s grace, we don’t talk about religion or God in our family. The most dangerous person in the world is the one who fights for their religion and god, because this guy has no faith in his own god that it can protect itself. As far as I know, God doesn’t own any religion; it cannot be pleased by any rituals other than good karma and a good lifestyle.
I don’t have any particular rituals; I don’t ridicule any religion or their deities; and moreover, I don’t worship any idols, as it is against my faith as God cannot be compromised into an idol. However, I don’t make fun of any religion or if someone worships an idol, as that’s their freedom. Never fight in the name of God, because noone has ever seen it.
So, when a person like me venture into a branch of Vedic culture, definitely people will raise their brows, on how am I going to fit into this stream. Especially, I have studied astrology from short-term classes in International Astrology Classes Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan from Guruji K. N. Raoji.
I will share my experience from my astrology class. In that class, Guruji was teaching about Pancham Bhava, which means 5th house. Guruji taught using certain horoscopes, and then he was telling how the gayatri mantra helped a person recover from the bedridden stage. I am a monotheist; I can’t recite the Gayatri mantra. I humbly asked him, for those who do not practice Vedic culture, what do they do instead of chanting the Gayatri mantra? His answer pacified me a lot, as he said, It doesn’t matter; you pray to the entity that you trust. Guruji is Guruji; he knows every disciple’s thought process.
I will never ever bow my head in front of an idol; it is like death for me. If someone does that, I will never ridicule him because he can relate to it. Let him do that. Finally, no one has ever seen God. That’s what all theological principles say.
In Hinduism, I can relate more to Advaita Vedanta, which is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that originates from the ancient Vedic scriptures of India. “Advaita” means “non-dual” in Sanskrit, and Vedanta refers to the end or culmination of the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. Advaita Vedanta is primarily associated with the teachings of Adi Shankaracharya, an influential philosopher and theologian who lived in the 8th century CE.
The central concept of Advaita Vedanta is the principle of non-duality (Advaita), which asserts that ultimate reality, often referred to as Brahman, is without any form of differentiation or division. In other words, there is only one ultimate, unchanging, and undivided reality that transcends the world of appearances. This oneness is considered the true nature of the self (Atman), and realizing this oneness is the goal of human life.
Key tenets of Advaita Vedanta include:
Brahman: The ultimate reality, often described as formless, infinite, and beyond all attributes. Brahman is considered the source and essence of everything in the universe.
Atman: the individual self or soul. According to Advaita Vedanta, the Atman is not separate from the Brahman; they are essentially the same. Realizing the oneness of Atman and Brahman is the path to liberation (moksha).
Maya: The illusory and transient nature of the world. Maya is the power that creates the appearance of diversity and separation in the world, but it is not ultimately real.
Jiva: The individual soul, which is often seen as trapped in the cycle of birth and death (samsara) due to ignorance (avidya) of its true nature.
Moksha: liberation or self-realization. Attaining moksha involves recognizing the non-dual nature of reality and realizing one’s identity with Brahman. This is considered the ultimate goal of life in Advaita Vedanta.
Advaita Vedanta has had a significant influence on Hindu philosophy and spirituality. While it is rooted in Hindu traditions, its teachings have also inspired thinkers and practitioners from various religious and philosophical backgrounds.
So, I was telling you that when I interpret BPHS, it will have the best logic from all religions, good points from the practical side, behavioral management, hypnosis, psychotherapy, psychology, or anything that can rejuvenate the person, not limiting him within the four walls of any religion. Its common sense, God doesn’t need religion if you say religion, then it is not from God.
Chapters 88–97 in BPHS mention remedial measures, but this chapter is not suitable for the entire architecture of BPHS. These remedial measures mention worshiping various planets, devas, nakshatras, and deities, which was not the form of worship of Sage Parasara. Firstly, Sage Parasara lived in Dvapara yuga, which is the age of Lord Krishna. He was a Krishna devotee.
Srimad Bhagvatam 1.3.21. says this:
tataḥ saptadaśe jātaḥ
satyavatyāṁ parāśarāt
cakre veda-taroḥ śākhā
dṛṣṭvā puṁso ’lpa-medhasaḥ
Thereafter, in the seventeenth incarnation of Godhead, Śrī Vyāsadeva appeared in the womb of Satyavatī through Parāśara Muni, and he divided the one Veda into several branches and sub branches, seeing that the people in general were less intelligent.
Vishnupurana is also by Sage Parasa, so the strict Vyshna followers do not worship any other deity other than the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Gurji Shree K. N. Rao is a Lord Krishna devotee.
Even though Parasara has praised Agni and Soma in Rigveda Chapter 1, we don’t see him praying to them. So, indeed, Parasara was also a monotheist.
In Bhagavad-gita 7.20, Lord Krishna openly says
Kamais tais tair hrita-jnanah prapadyante ’nya-devatah
tam tam niyamam asthaya prakritya niyatah svaya.
Those whose knowledge has been carried away by material desires surrender to the celestial gods. Following their own nature, they worship the devatās, practicing rituals meant to propitiate these celestial personalities.
The very next Scripture can be alightly contradictory.
Bhagavad-gita 7.21
Yo yo yam yam tanum bhaktah shraddhayarchitum ichchhati
tasya tasyachalam shraddham tam eva vidadhamyaham
Whatever celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady the faith of such a devotee in that form.
Bhagavad-gita 7.22 will clearly show what the Lord wants to say.
sa taya shraddhaya yuktas tasyaradhanam ihate
labhate cha tatah kaman mayaiva vihitan hi tan
Endowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial god and obtains the objects of desire. But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.
That means you or I pray; the answers are from one source. You can call it Krishna, Allah, or Yehova, or, like I call it, simply GOD.
So, what I was trying to say is that I will interpret BPHS chapter by chapter without corrupting the fundamentals of this divine science, which is purely made up of the main kind.
Still, I cannot promise how often I will write it, as I don’t like giving or taking commitments. I literally hate that. If you like to read, you read it. Otherwise, leave it. Still, it was my true desire to translate this complex book for those who really wanted to know it.