One Scripture and Multiple Insights





Writing a blog every second week was my goal, but it is just like a dream. The year of 2019 is a very bad and unhappy year for me; , my life has become very tough ever since Jupiter entered into Scorpio. Issues at the workplace, emotional issues, health issues, financial challenges, and waning prayer life were much projected during 2019. Entire 2019 was a big challenge for my spiritual life and I could not keep my spiritual vows due to the voluptuous Venus dasa. My Venus dasa has started in 2018 and ever since that I am too much focussed on Venusian factors, but… but..but, I am a mystic; I will surely get back to the track. A mystic can never be happy with the materialistic features around her. She will only be blooming in her vows to the universe. She will perfect when she is silent meditation off from the dramas of the material world. 


Every first Antar dasa of any planet will be very distracting. My distraction will be ending by 2020, and then I will be totally on track. It’s just a few more months until then I have to suffer unhappiness, lack of health and workplace issues. The primary concern is my health, due to the illness, I am always irritated. I am an Aries Lagna, and I can’t sit idle, I am an action-oriented woman. It sucks when the universe ties me to the bed and don’t let me move at all. This is the year which I read and studied less. I want to get back into reading and empowering myself. I know just because I was defocussed and too much into the materialistic world, I had to go through all issues. This year guys 2019 may be a good year as a professional, but very bad as a mystic. 



Throughout the week, I was thinking about how much fallen am I and how to lift myself. There is nothing I thought more than this. At every step, I was just thinking how to get back into that pure love towards my lord. 


Last year I was so loud, I was so unspiritual, focusing too much on competing with others, which is not my nature. I am a contented woman with whatever I have, but I wonder, from where that competitive mentality came in. Such an attitude is human and it should not be my identity. Off, I regret those “human moves” done by me. 

So, I started reading Mahabharata again and continuing with Adi Parva. Every year I read the Bible fully, but this year I did not do that. So, I started it again this week. While I was going through the Bible quotes one scripture captured my attention. This is the scripture.



1 Thessalonians 4:11-12




11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

For those who don’t know the scenario behind these scriptures, I will explain.


Bible is a collection of books written by various authors. It had two portions one, Old Testament and other is New testament. The Old Testament is all about the Jews and their history and prophecies about Jesus Christ. For Jews, the prophecies are about a divine person who is yet to arrive. New Testament is all about the birth of Jesus, his teachings his sufferings, his death and the survival of the church after his death. 


Thessalonians is a book in New testament. It is a message done to the church in Thessalonian by Paul the apostle. He is telling the challenges of being a true devotee. There are so many instructions given in this book for spiritual living. Among those instructions, this scripture attracted me more.


1 Thessalonians 4:11-12




11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.



·  The ambition should be to live a quiet life, not a loud life. 

A quiet life is very hard, especially when we live among humans. When we are quiet, they will feel we are arrogant, or we have personality disorders. Especially, after 17 years of Christian studies, I am sure no one among my fellow theologians likes to mingle with laymen. But these people will be asking us to join their group for all the human likings, which is highly prohibited for a theologian. I am so afraid to be in a group of humans because they don’t speak anything interesting for me. Sometimes I have overheard people talking all the irrelevant and very much humanly matters which can never interest a spiritual person. The crisis comes when we try to save our spiritual self from such meaningless conversations. A human can’t understand the heavenly standards and it’s my weakness that I can never mingle with a common man. It sucks and it gives me a yuck feeling. I don’t go for any family function or office parties because I don’t like to mingle with them. Suppose you go for a family meeting, these people will be more interested in knowing why you are not wearing silk sari, where your gold bangles are, how much salary you get, and which the latest brand car you are using. They never ask you, are you happy with your life, or how your work is going. Later on, these guys will go home and discuss how hot-headed Jayashree is and is she having any marital issues. Or is she and her husband dating some other fellows, especially when we are staying in two different places. 


Since I got a warning letter from my HR for threatening an employee to poke into her divine personal life last year( LOL), I don’t want to bring the challenges in mingling with colleagues. To be frank, I cannot be with anyone who doesn’t contribute to my spiritual life. I forgot this fact and came under the pressure to be with materialistic people, during this Jupiter transit, and that cost me a lot. Now when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius in this November, my priority should be to be more silent, meditating on the power which runs the universe quietly. I feel bad that I was so loud last year. It affected my productivity as well. 


Then the scripture says 

“You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you”  

The scripture says we should mind our business and work with own hands. The year of 2019 was a year where others came into me and asked help, but later said I barged into their life. That was like a fucking shock. But, that was a learning session and training period from all future damages. Yes, humans are very much ungrateful and that’s the one dirty nature which I hate about them. They will display all the nasty behavior and ask us to join their gang to ruin the remaining spirituality in us. 


There is a general assumption of human beings. They have a misconception that everyone wants to be rich. Everyone wants to masturbate and sex daily. Everyone wants to compete with each other. All want to enjoy international tours; all want to have branded clothes, everyone wants to make a space in the world. 

I dunno why the majority of the people compete with each other as everyone is different. None of us are equal and god has a different role for us to play in this world. When we mingle with them, they will come up with the dirty ideas like, “ Let’s go and party,( It is suffocating and dirty all the men and woman come together and laugh for no reason. I feel like vomiting) if they have told, come together and let’s talk about the challenges and happiness, then it would have been a great thing. 


I have seen corporate friendships, they are temporary friendships and very rarely they last long. I can never get into any short term friendship like in a give and take condition. I cannot misuse anyone’s time, love, care or concerns. I am only comfortable with one to two people at my work and I don’t like those office parties. That is my strength. I don’t want to jump into the human conditions and lose the love for my lord. But during this year, I broke that barrier and suffered a lot. I am not interested in climbing the corporate ladders and prove myself as a high end professional. I am happy at my role at work and I am happy with my commitments. So, my focus should be minding own business hmm.. ye.


Then the scripture says 

12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Dependence makes you weak if it is on human beings. But dependence on God makes you strong. I love to be dependent on God, not any humans, that can give the image of being a damn arrogant lady, but lemme ask you, what’s wrong in being confident in relationship with God? It makes you super confident and going. Doesn’t have to be Christian, Muslim or Hindu, if you are with the lord, then you ate safely.


Jeremiah 17:7

 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.


Psalm 20:7

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.


So, coming back to the root scripture it says 


1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.


What I learned is I need to be quiet, learning about god, working with my own hands, minding my own business, so that I can gain respect( that is not my focus here) but to be productive and successful. Leading a quiet life should be my ambition, and such a life will make to be independent. This should be my goal from this moment onwards, but it’s not easy as I am not living in the association of my theology friends. I may be a tigress in my blogs, but I certainly get an identity crisis when I am with humans. I am afraid to lose the intensity of my spiritual life which I acquire in all these years. I acquired it with a lot of pain and sufferings. I have been penniless, starving, not even a good dress to wear, no room to live during my theology class, but I love those days where my lord showed his glory to me. I don’t want to lose that divine energy for any human being.


After I write this blog, I feel so pacified, and contended, yes I am physically tired, but still my spirits are high. I feel I am closer like my earlier days with my lord. 


I am planning a trip to Mahabalipuram, just for meditation. I asked my husband to take me to Wayanad also to visit because I love going to these ancient settlements. I hope that trips will make me more energetic. It is hard for a mystic to associate with laymen when I say this person may misunderstand that it is being arrogant. To be frank, no one has captured my attention in all these years other than my Guruji Shri. K.N Raoji, and my theology friends. As a mystic, I will come to know what a human next to me is up to at least by 70%. I can read their mind, body language, but if we say that openly, they will say that we are constipatedly hallucinated. That is another feature of humans, they lie at face. …At home also, sometimes I confront my parents and children for hiding facts, where I know what they did at least by 70%. I have stopped looking at people, whom I am so sure, that the next thing what they going to say is a lie. It is a scary thing that you lose faith totally from human and you run away from the crowd to save your truthfulness and righteousness. Maybe that’s why Paul, the apostle said these. He knew that association with humans can only bring losses. 


1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.



 My salvation is important for me, I am a Communist who believes in afterlife and salvation. I just want to be united with my Lord and be with him forever and these scriptures inspire me to follow what they say.