Maheshinte Prathikaram aka Revenge of Mahesh : Great Lesson From a Movie

Last Friday I took an off from my work. I  was so busy these days and I had so much of work pressure. Some days I even reached my office at 7 a m just to finish the work before the time. You know, I travel to Kochi from Kottayam on a daily basis and that’s not a joke. There are so many other ladies like me, who travels 90kms daily for their work.

I stay in a small village and in Kottayam there are no big corporate or industries other than Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhoomi (as far as I know). I send my resume to CCS Technologies Kottayam which is a Malayala Manorama group venture, but they never called me for an interview. Daily travelling is very tiring , but I get good time for prayer, meditation and self realization. I read books during the trip, I finished Brihad Parashara Hora Sasthra second time like this. Now I am reading Bolivian Diary.

So, I took a break and my project manager was so kind. I was not planning for a movie,  but the climate was very bad. It was around 32 degrees and I was sweating like anything. It is exam time for my kids and my daughter Valentina and my nephew Nakul was also there. They also were very bored and unhappy. So, I told them to get ready to go for a movie. If I have to watch a movie I have to go to Thalayolapparambu, which is around 18 kms from my place. The theatre is very good and it is managed by Karnival group.

We reached the theatre by 11 30 a m and there were 3 movies. I chose “Maheshinte Prathikaram”. Actually,  I wanted to watch “ Action Hero Biju” but it was at 3 p m.

I have seen Mr Fahad Fasil in Bangalore Days and I think that’s his  only movie  which I have seen. Well, he is a handsome hunk. The movie started with his bathing scene, I found it very steamy and lovely and sexy. It was better than Ms Seenath Aman’s bathing scene in Satyam Sivam Sundaram or  Ms Mandakini’s bathing scene in Ram, Teri Ganga Maily. Fahad Maybe I am a woman, so I may not  enjoy such performances by  females. Obviously  that scene was a visual treat when a man comes in a bathing mode flaunting  his valuable assets. I was thinking then,  that earlier skin show was the forte of ladies. Now males have taken up  the burden of adding value to a movie through skin show. For eg John Abraham in Dostana.   Now a days more men are making themselves nude in the public. Not only his bathing scene, but it got  well connected to the beauty of the nature.   We all know Idukki is beautiful, I spend my childhood there and now also we go for one day trips to Idukki.  In this bathing scene I think more than the hero , his sandals are promoted. Hero is cleaning the sandals very dearly and I was wondering why? He uses a normal sandal flats made out of rubber. This sandal is manufactured by Lunar rubbers,a famous rubber company in Kerala.

The movie is all about a revenge. The plot is like this. Mahesh is a photographer without any Bhavna  (imagination aka creativity)  and he owns a studio named Bhavna Studios. He lives in a small township and lives with his dad. He is in love with a sexy siren ( ??????????) Soumya,  who is from his same village, but now works somewhere  in the Middle East as a nurspupe (I think the middle east). This guy is very homely, hard working and innocent. He has a cute puppy too.

His lady comes to India for a family function. She is not from a rich family, but not from a poor family either. She has a sister, and everyone in the family is aware of her love kahani (story) with bechara Mahesh. Her dad, is forcing her for a marriage with an NRI who is settled in Canada. She is in a dilemma. She indeed loves Mahesh, but she has family responsibilities, but there won’t be any scope for financial growth or any value addition. See, nursing job is Kerala is not that profitable job and every nurse in Kerala has a dream to go to the West. My dad’s sister studied nursing from Banaras University in the late 60s and she went to Iran. Then she went to Iraq, she was one among those nurses who came back to India in the last batch when Saddam, Hussain attacked Kuwait and Iraq war started. It was a big news in the media that time. She got a chance to go to the US, but I think her husband didn’t allow her. Moreover, her first son was older than me and second one born when the first guy was 15 years old. Let’s come back to Mahesh and Soumya. Even though, Soumya loves Mahesh, she has family responsibilities also. She is ambitious. If she marries Mahesh, for a settled married life, she has to come back to India, where the pay will be very less. If she has to take Mahesh to her place, Mahesh can’t because he has to take care of his dad. Soumya has a family, a sister and not so wealthy dad. She decides to chose NRI guy, but I may tell you. If I was in her place. I would have given options for Mahesh. Like upgrading himself, studying some other technologies, or taking him to the middle east in a visit visa, then taking his dad also there or to any country. Here she never discussed anything with him, so she was very much money minded and selfish.

Mahesh doesn’t know that she is thinking about parting ways. He is working and his days like any other days. Life can never be stagnant. It has to progress. No one’s life is stuck anywhere. We have to travel with the time. Then only progress will come to us.  If anyone of us are stuck somewhere, don’t worry, the universe will put us into some situations where , we will peddle like we fell into a river and our peddling itself will make  us   move forward.

Our man Mahesh is going to the office one day. I mean Bhavna studio. While he reaches there he sees a street fight. The place where his studio is located is called Prakash Kavala, Kavala means Junction. Prakash Junction. As a local native, he rushes towards that fighting venue and playing the role of a peacemaker. Prakash Kavala is his own place, he is a native of that place and he is a well known guy there. Mahesh is trying to stop the fight but he also got involved in that fight. The main goon in that group thrashed him and making him naked in front of his own people. He is wearing innerwear  though. Mahesh is humiliated, physically and mentally hurt in front of the public. Obviously, no one wants to get MHShumiliated in front of others. For every one their ego is a valuable property. Draupadi’s got hurt when she was undressed by the Kauravas. What was the result? Her husbands killed all her enemies. A Bleeding soul, wounded ego makes all the living beings fight for their survival.

At the end of the fight, he is standing half nude, without that sandals, hurt and broken. Out of rage he takes an oath infront of the public, that he won’t wear a sandal  unless until he thrashes  the goon at that goon’s place in front of goon’s own  people. Goon’s name is Jims.


Our hero Mahesh is totally broken and he reaches home and resumes his life with the expectation that he will meet that goon Jims one day and he will thrash him. He is walking barefoot. During that day itself, Soumya’s dad visits Mahesh at his home. He is telling Mahesh that Soumya has got a marriage proposal and she wants to talk to him and handles the phone to him. Over the phone Soumya cries, wipes her nose and tells her sugar coated things, but the notion is that Mahesh should allow her to marry that NRI. Mahesh is already broken, understood the meaningless in begging for Soumya’s love. He asks her, “ how easily you avoided me?“  After that Mahesh is not thinking about Soumya.

Mahesh is truly broken and sad, but he keeps the faith and hope that he will be alright one day. Now also he is walking barefoot, but his friends are forcing him to break his oath, but Mahesh is a man of determination. He joins the Kung Fu class and practices to upgrade himself.

He is searching for the goon Jims, but he heard that  goon Jims has gone to the middle east for a job. Goon Jims is a welder by profession. Mahesh, is very upset listening to this. He is totally down, but he is still keeping the hope that goon Jims will come back some day. He gets a news that there is high recession in the middle east and Indians are coming back due to the job cuts. He keeps a home that goon Jims will also come back and secretly reaches goon Jims home. There he meets Jim’s mom, and she serves Mahesh and says Jims is ok in the middle east.  He obviously gets discouraged,  but keeps the faith and hope.

Life resumes and Mahesh meets a girl named Jimsi who is a dancer, model and wannabe actress. I have seen so many small town girls having a great dream to be another Marylin Monroe or another Alia Bhatt. In reality such things work  very rarely. This girl comes to Bhavna studio to take a photo for a cover girl contest and Mahesh takes a photo. This photo is so bad that the girl insults him. Then he falls into an identity crisis. He started doubting his own ability as a skilled photographer. He has got one more wound now. Still,  he is not ready to fall. People around him are considering that he is a mad guy, a failure and sometimes making fun at him. He is silently tolerating everything with faith and hope.

His dad also was a photographer. He happens to see a few photographs taken by his dad and he understands how beautiful they are. He learns the secret of being creative, imaginative and adding those skills into his profession. He takes this girl Jimsi’s photograph without her knowledge and sends them to a magazine and she comes as a cover girl.  Now we can easily assume that some sparks flying between Jimsi and Mahesh. Mahesh is already gone through one break up. When I see his decision to start a new love affair so soon after a break up as a foolishness. He would have taken one or two years to date himself.  Well, in this movie Mahesh started another love affair. This girl is an intense girl, very daring and she is a close friend of Mahesh’s colleague’s daughter Soniya.

Soniya says Jimsi about the pledge taken by Mahesh and she realizes, the goon is none other than her brother Jims. She is a truthful and daring woman, she tells Mahesh that the goon who hit Mahesh is her brother and wants to know whether  he is still interested in her.

Our Mahesh is a man of integrity, he doesn’t want to play with the heart and soul of a girl. He accepts Jimsi even though she is his enemy’s sister, but he says he will not withdraw from his pledge to thrash her brother. Jimsi is also a woman of integrity, she never pleads for her bhai ( brother). She is not playing any emotional atyachar wala episode, she is ready to face life as it comes to her. She loves Mahesh and her brother and also and she is not trying to manipulate Mahesh’s feelingAPRs.

Finally, that day comes when Jimson has to come back to India, because he lost his job due to misbehavior. Mahesh doesn’t want anyone to know that he is going to thrash Jimson in his town in the midst of his own people as Jimson thrashed Mahesh in Mahesh’s town amidst Mahesh’s own people.  Mahesh is going to Jimson’s place with his colleague.

When Mahesh reaches the venue, Jimson is spending time with his friends. He doesn’t remember Mahesh because fights are a common thing for Jimson. For Mahesh, fighting is not an ordinary thing. Mahesh step ahead and tells his intention to Jimson. He says he is the one whom Jimson thrashed in Prakash Kavala amidst his own people. Now he has come to thrash Jimson in his own place amidst his own people. Yes, it should be like. If I want to attack someone I will fight face to face. Only courageous people do  that. Backbiting, gossiping and spreading scandals and hidden wars are for cowards. I will never ever do that. If I have enmity with someone I will tell them to be cautious because I they have created enmity with me. I never make enemies because I have Vipreet Raj Yog. My god will fight with my enemies and will make my way clear. My god will lead the war he alone will fight and he alone will win. That’s why faith and hope.  Yes, I have my share of sins and I am not a saint.

Here , Mahesh makes the war cry and Jimson accepts it. This war is taking place in Jimson’s place. He has the ground support where Mahesh is supported by his colleague alone. That scene is an intense scene, Jimson is an experienced fighter. Mahesh is a fresher.  The fight continues, sometimes Mahesh wins, sometimes Jimson. At time we get a feel that Mahesh will again fail, but Mahesh manages himself and his will power and faith is supporting him. He is using self defense techniques. I forgot the name of that technique, I have seen that moves in  Shaolin  practice, but I can’t remember the name. One trick I saw was some think like”Monk Push the Door “ technique. Parrying style was there, then blocking, slipping. One Malayalam movie, which I saw with a good fight  scene was “Chotta Mumbai”. They were quiet technical, I think. Finally , Mahesh manages to win.  Then he goes to the shoe shop and ask for Lunar 8 inches and the shop owner who always made fun face at  his pledge , is shocked and shivering in disbelief. He can’t imagine that our Mahesh defeated an experienced goon like Jimson.

In the last scene goon Jimson is admitted in the hospital and Mahesh serving  and telling he wants to marry Jimson’s sister Jimsi. With that Mahesh is making his life easy because no goon will take revenge on his own sister. No goon will like to see his sister as a widow. At the end of the movie Mahesh comes out as a true warrior, he has polished his professional skills, he got a sincere love he proved his manhood and so much more.

Maheshinte Prathikaram aka Revenge of Mahesh, is a great movie,  which teaches us about keeping faith and hope. We may not have all that we need in our life or we may only have failures. I think that will be just temporary if we keep our faith alive. Here Mahesh had so many struggles,  but he had that will power and   he reached his goal. He never sat idly or sympathized with himself, instead he decided to fight. This may be a movie, but in real life also we can see so many people who have   achieved great things due to their will power and determination.  God has not created anyone as useless. It’s all about finding ourselves and realizing our skills.

I was so encouraged after seeing this movie and my mind was full of hope and faith and I strongly suggest this movie to all.  Not only that this movie’s director Mr Dileesh Pothan is my neighbor too.

Women Empowerment Thoughts Through an Astrology Consultation









I had a client last week and let’s call her as Ms B. She was very calm and in a very sound tone she started telling her worries and fears. As I always   told her that I am here to find her issues and she doesn’t have to give any clues. It is highly irritating for me when any of my clients starts telling their problems. Then why they need an astrologer? I like pinpointing their physical, material, psychological and spiritual issues from their birth chart, that too without their valuable clues. When they start giving clues I feel I am of no use and I don’t get a chance to study their life. I like that transformations, living someone else life, going through their pains and happiness, so that I can feel them better. For a short time I am living someone else life. Such a fantasy travel…why should they spoil it by giving clues? May be that Scorpio impact! Transformations…….


Let’s come back to Ms.B I asked her to give all the birth details and I cast a chart. Her chart showed a lot of turmoil than happiness. I could feel the pain. She is a young mother of 2 kids. Aspect on the 7th house, and 8th lord being the 7th lord showed early widowhood. It can be widowhood or a divorce. I can’t ask a direct question here. So I put it like this” In your chart, I see very less happiness from the husband. I hope you are not getting those full marital pleasures” She replied in a very firm voice, that she is a widow. Her husband passed away in a motor accident when her first kid was just 1 ½ years old. Then she was 1 month pregnant with the second kid.

Planet X and planet Y are in conjunction in 9th house. A clear indication of zero higher education. Yes, she has just completed her 12th standard. The disturbing fact is that planet X is exalted in the 9th house sign indicates her irresponsible nature towards studies. This is why when someone says exalted planets are very good, I disagree. They don’t always give good results.  I have seen ruined lives with exalted planets.  What I feel is that they may indicate good things according to Hora sasthra, but I have seen it ruining people’s life.

She works as a beautician ,  she owns her own parlor. Look at her strengths. She has a good detegita quotesrmination. Plant Z is in 10th house of Karma, which is very good for her, with Planet D. A clear indication of owning her own business.  See, God will not disown any of us. He has special care towards widows and kids. If he closes one door, he will open 100 other doors.

Here, of course, Ms B is in trouble. Don’t have to look at the nakshathra position, aspects, or any other astrological calculations.

She stays with her mom and 2 kids in a rented house because she is constructing her own house worth 8 lakhs. This amount may be nothing for many of my readers. For this widow it is really huge.  She has only 3.5 lakhs with her now and she thought her siblings would help, and that is not going to happen. In her 3rd house, she has Planet A and C is conjunct which means strained relations with siblings.

Now let us look at her issues closely. She is a widow. It is even difficult for a “Sumangali” to live in this world. The reasons are obvious. She may be an easy target for those who want to exploit innocent lives. Our lady has physical needs, emotional needs, psychological needs which only a male can fulfill. That fulfillment is absent in her life. A woman needs a man and a man needs a woman. They give stability to each other. Now she has to fight with herself to reach that stability.

Her savings are less. She has to pay her rent, provide her family, teach kids, their hospital expenses, and there so many other needs. She is a beautician and her education is just 12th. Let’s look at the beauty industry. I think this is the one industry with so much of the progress. So many experiments are taking place , some of10-quran-quotes-taha-26 them most of us are not aware.  Every nook and corner of Kerala have  beauty parlors. I go to the beauty parlor only  for eyebrow threading and hair styling. When I go to a beauty parlor I always look at the beautician, if she can’t impress me, I will never go there again. I have gone to such parlors once or twice, but never revisited. My beautician is very well educated; she knows the scientific reasons to prove her work. For example, I had a clear face. I donno whether it is my Ketu dasa madness, I started using that nonsense cream to fight “ 1,2 ,3 ,4, 5 ,6 signs of ageing” I did not have a single wrinkle, or any blemishes till then. Once I started it, I started getting big, big pimples, very painful.  I used to break it and face was full  of scars. I tried so many options. I wrote to the company that your cream has done this to me.  They send me a sorry mail, well, what else can they do? Finally, my doctor friend Sudev came  to my help.

He suggested Clindamycin Phosphate gel, and that was the end of pimples. Lekin, the scars were so adamant. After trying so many home remedies, I went for chemical peeling. My dermatologist Dr Vinita did a great job. Now my face looks like almost all the same after 7 to 8 sittings of chemical peel. STRNG SOULNo one would like to continue with chemical peels, even Dr. Vinita suggested me to do it once in 6 months. She said ’’your face look radiant now you don’t need any cream”. She asked me to use some sun screen because I travel daily for my work.  I was feeling so low when these scars occurred. Truly, I was very insecure. Even though doctor asked to use sunscreen, I really hate that white, pale mask which sunscreen leaves. Sun light is harmful for chemical peeled skin.  Now I got confused. For the next hair spa session I asked my hair stylist Sauda on this issue. She warned me from doing further chemical peels and explained how it works. She gave me another option and that too, she explained the ingredients, the way it works and I am using it for so many days now and I can feel the difference. This knowledge is not with most of the beauticians whom I have seen. Most of them suggests some facial and no facial has ever worked or will work.  Sauda is very well educated, she upgrade  her skills, she knows what are the recent developments in the beauty industry, she makes use of the IT information. She has 3, parlors that too in a busy and expensive city like Delhi

Ms B, my client may not be able to come up like Sauda. If she has to be more successful, then she has to update her skills. Now a days this updating  trend is so high everyone is updating their skills. Everyone is learning. As it says “vidya shaman sarva dhanam pradhanam” there is no wealth greater than education. That is the actual strength of a person. If Ms B has to fight her issues, she has to upgrade. If she has to upgrade, she has to study. How she will study? She doesn’t have anyone around for a support.

Let’s go back to her chart her 10th house of Karma has a fiery planet looking at her 4th house of home and  family is indicating, that she is a person has to go away from homeland. The more she stays in homeland; she will have more issues or obstacles. If she goes abroad,  she will learn new techniques, she will get more polished experience, more happiness,   and more success and of course more money to fulfill her needs as well as her family’s. Otherwise, there is no option for her to upgrade her skills. Her kids and mom totally dependent on her will be benefitted due to this foreign stay. Job as a beauty consultant is more stable than IT job even though the payment many not be that high. Beauticians are always in demand in all around the world, despite the recession threats. This industry is  stable and always growing

I told her this and she is willing to take up this. From the 5th house details, also there will be a distance from kids.  For me, I can’t be away from my kids. . Yes, I have stayed out of station for 2, 3 months, but I can never go away from my children. For her it will be difficult to leave her children, but that is her destiny. Thank god, she has her own mother with her and that is actually a great blessing. Your emotions can never provide you. You have to fight the emotional side to be strong. My strength is my family’s strength. If I am strong, my children also will be strong. To me the problem is, even if I have some sorrowgod hands I am unable to express it at home. I am 24*7 active like a machine and if I sit with a long face, my family members will be worried.  If I am silent for 30 mnts, actually it rarely  happens, then my mom will be very restless. I always get scoldings from my dad, mom and husband for speaking  and laughing in high volume , but if I keep quiet for sometime, they all will get worried.  So, I always make sure not to bring my sorrows  or my emotional burdens to my home. It is not easy….but I submit all my worries with my lord.  I am Aries Lagan, I will not accept failures, it’s my duty to fight as Mars rules Aries. My Jupiter is in Sagittarius.. I am overoptimistic, that is not good for me. My god guards me and protects me and he will keep on doing that.  That is the only fact which awakens me every day to live my life.

Ms. B asked me whether she should buy a two wheeler. Without checking the chart, I told her”NO”. Even if her chart supports to have a two wheeler, she should not buy it. Because her Moon is afflicted in her chart. Moon is the mind and emotions. Her mind is full of thoughts and she is not a peaceful female. She may not be able to concentrate. Already she lost her husband in a bike accident; she is the sole provider of the family. She should not take chances with anything in her life.

I liked her confidence and hope she has in her own life. Yes, it is very painful to be alone in the life. Maybe that’s her destiny.   Single status throughout her life. That’s better for her. Maybe she can get married in her late forties, but not now.  She asked me what remedy she should do for her career and personal life. I told here, there is no remedy other than adding value to her.

There are so many women sitting at home, feeling victimized, falling into emotional traps, wasting time in worthless efforts and living hopeless. ‘’An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”.

I am coming from a family where most of the woman works. When I was jobless I was feeling the burden and I was ashamed to go for my family functions.  Most of the ladies in my family are with some jobs and I was the bekar among them. Ohhhhh it is such an awful situation. LOL

Now a day’s government is offering so many projects for jobless people and I can see people simply criticizing local and central governments for their administration. Why don’t these people find what all they offer and find some good opportunities for them? There are so many jobs available for those who want to work or change their life. We may have to find them as they won’t come to us. We can’t live without upgrading ourselves. Even I myself was in a neutral mode with my BAL, LL.B degree, and nothing else. At one point of time I realize the value of upgrading myself and from then on wards came the happiness and progress.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t have further failures. These days, I can’t find time for myself and none of my personal issues affect me.

Any woman who goes through such crisis, like Ms B can of course contact me as I am giving free consultation to poor widows, children and un privileged or underprivileged females. Please make use of this opportunity. I repeat I don’t give a free consultation to anyone other than poor widows, children and unprivileged or underprivileged females. You may call me greedy. No problem.  I am ready to help you to check your chart and find the ways to upgrade and that may help you to have a better future.

Ms B wants to meet me personally, I think next Sunday I will invite her home. We will have more discussion about her life and I can share about my life. We will set some goals and action plans for her life. Not entirely based on her chart  but  just trusting the lord’s grace   in the first place and keeping an eye on her Vimshottari Dasha . Maybe we both have some past birth connections. Or I have some past life debt with her and I am repaying like this? Only god knows.

A Tip for Good Parenting From Your 2nd House


The 2nd and 7th house in your chart are considered as killer houses and in astrological language rishis called them “ Maraka Bhava”.

In Brihad Parashara Hora Sastra chapter 44 we can see that Sage Maitreya asking Sage Parshara about the Maraka house and the planets in it.

Triteeyam Ashtam Sthaanam Aayuh Sthaanam Dwayam Dwij |

Markam Tad Vyay Sthanam Dweetiyam Saptam Tathaa |

Sage Parashar says, Sehaj and Randhar ie, 3rd house and 8th house, respectively are the houses of longevity. Those houses from 12th from these houses are the killer houses. Those houses are 2nd and 7th houses, known as Maraka Bhav or Killer houses in astrology. The logic is clear, I will describe how it became killer houses. The 3rd house and 8th house, shows your mental and physical stability. The 3rd house shows your mental stability shows how you react to the events and whether you lose your mind easily when negative events take   place. And from 3rd house, the 2nd house is 12 places away from it. Don’t go crazy, astrology works like that.

The natural zodiac wheel and  houses comes like this. Aries is the 1st sign and Pisces is the 12th sign . Look at house(sign names) number three and count 12 houses in anti clockwise mode.  Then you will reach house no 12.

sociac signsThis is the 2nd house 



The 12th house from any house shows the losses from that house. If it is 1st houses, then its loses are counted from 12th house, if it is 2nd houses, then its losses are from the reasons related to the 1st houses. If its 3rd houses then 2nd house, 4th-3rd, 5th-4th 6th-5th, 7th-6th , 8th-7th, 9th-8th, 10th -9th ,11th-10th ,11th -10th ,12th -1st.  I will explain easily with an example, 7th house is the house of conjugal pleasures and marital life its loss is counted primarily from the 6th house because 6th house denotes diseases of the body, enemies, enemical  situations, these things can affect the direction of your marital life.So 6th house which is 12th from the 7th house shows the losses of the 7th house. Adding to that when 7th lord in the 6th house is a small indication of divorce too!!!!!

So, we are talking just about 2nd house and what Sage Parshara comments on it Maraka aka Killer effect.To be frank, his description is very very scary. I read it and when I first read it, I was sleepless for some days. LOL.  But You should always follow astronomy if you are a skilled astrologer. Sky is not all the same as in Treta Yug. You should have an  idea about psychology,  local and international politics, cultural differences, ancient and new laws of the land(of various countries),  and some interest in  quantum physics. You have to have at least some knowledge about conspiracy theories like New World Order, Holocaust Revisionism, and The Reptilian Elite and of course  about Nasdaq ,NSE, BSE or how they function.  If you  know about Brock Lesnar it is also good. It is also  good to know who  Shyla Jennings, Jessie Rogers  or Tory Mason is and how that industry works. We can’t learn everything but when we are in counseling profession, we are supposed to know these things.  I wanted to take the name of a few books which I read very often, but they are banned almost even though pdf versions are available. I don’t want to question anyone’s faith or convert their faith. You get some convictions at some point of life and that’s enough for all of us.

You want to be an astrologer you should have sound knowledge about various religions and their historical backgrounds because you can’t counsel a Muslim according to Hindu concepts or a Bahai by using Islam thoughts, you can’t counsel a Jew by using  Ahammadiyan rules, You won’t be able to counsel a Buddhist through Marxian concepts, You can’t explain facts to a Catholic by using Hindu teachings.  How can you counsel an  Israeli and Palestinian  with  the same words?  If you have an  atheist client ( like my dad) all your astrology knowledge,  especially, Vedic knowledge without a scientific and astronomical background will not help you at any cost.  If you explain that concept these atheists will laugh at our precious knowledge which we got through our sheer Bhakthi , Nishta and Sadhna. Well, atheists can only ask questions, they never have an answer for most of the issues, but they also got a point.  Planets don’t have any religion, they are just created by God, which have a  certain amount of influence on us. Equally on the whole universe.

These are the areas which 2nd house carries

Artha – wealth

Bhukthi – food

Dhakashakshi – right eye

Annapana – if one eats or drinks

Nayana – eye

pathrika – document

Vak – speech

Kutumbha – family

Mangalam –  auspicious ending

Sva – property

Asya – face

Represents wealth, family, livelihood, nourishment, male child, higher education, professional position, childhood , spouse, second marriage, longevity of  marital  life, valuable  possession,   liquid cash, earning capacity, financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable assets , vani , vision , face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, tongue, teeth and eyes, especially the right one), facial bones, upper neck and its bones, gullet, larynx, cerebellum, trachea, cervical region and cervical bones, tonsils,

Look at these factors closely. These factors are those factors which water your entire life. Mainly the early life, your childhood. Go to your chart, and see which planet is ruling that house.  Is that house has Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus? Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus  are natural benefics. Or natural malefic Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu? There are exceptions depending on the ascendants.

If you have/had  a cosmiktough childhood, most probably you  have  a malefic planet in that 2nd house. For those parents who read my columns, please check your children’s chart. Verify which planet is sitting in the 2nd house. If you see a malefic planet or malefic sitting with the benefic planet you can easily assume that you have to improve the mode of care you give to your child. I am telling you, this is a clear indication that your child is not getting enough nourishment from you. When you find it, confirm it by analyzing all the possible ways. This nourishment can be emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual. Watch your ways, how is your performance as a parent? You get drunk and lose yourself and forget your duties towards your  family? Are you not saving enough for your family so that your children can be nourished health wise and are they happy with the material comforts which you are providing  them? Leave your past feelings, you lived your life so far, now your past doesn’t count anymore for your kids. Your present matters for them. What are the traditional values you providing  them? Are you showing them light or guiding them into the darkness through the examples you set? Are you saving enough for them? Are you giving them respect or are you treating  them like dogs? Even though astrology doesn’t say much about Puthra Shaap, its common sense, that if you are not doing your right  Karma in any relationship to flourish it, then your will have to pay for it. Then why should you make your children suffer? I have seen parents clinging on to their personal losses and worries and ignore their duties towards their kids.


During my life as a theology student, I was forcefully assigned in the children’s section where  I never wanted to be. That too with infants from 6 months to 2 years. I was so angry with my teachers because I hated those  running noses, baby poop and pee. God wanted to humble me , I guess, I was interacting with infants so closely for the first time in my life. Had to take care of these kids during the prayer service, when couples come for marriage counseling I had to baby sit, or when couples go out for a movie or picnic again the baby sitting sessions. I donno how many  nappies I washed or cleaned how many poop. I was very unhappy and threw a lot of tantrums initially, but my teachers were not ready to leave me from that responsibility. I had to find happiness in being with them lately and after 4 years when I promoted to teen section , I did not want to go there because I just wanted to be with babies, babies and babies. That was a productive time in my life where I learned the meaning of sacrifice, poor help, charity, how being a mother and of course being a more baby like. Babies are precious and I really donno how can people abort , kill or torture the kids for their own pleasures.Its terrible and I have seen for what reason anyone hurts a child, he/she will not be able to enjoy that particular pleasure later on in their life. If a couple abort a child for their comfort, they will not get  sukh  from santhaan in the later stages in their life. If you are a mafia don runs a beggar network and kidnap babies from a mother, man, you are cursed ultimately. You think the materialistic pleasures can be attained from the pains of a poor soul, you will see your life turning to a hell before you leave the earth and your materialistic gains not coming to your rescue. If you have any doubts you please go and spend some time with a retired local mafia don. He will tell you how it works. This is the law of the universe ,  and this universe belong to the one and only  creator. These laws are equal for you and me. And God is not my “Amma ka Bhai” to show favoritism on the base of my wealth and beauty. “The moment we break  the rules of the universe,  let us wait  then for the set backs later.

Let us come back to the point.

The 2nd house is all about those things which water the childhood, those factors which can be the solid foundation where your child set up their royal kingdom. His pride, his wealth, his character, his career, his moral values, a status of his marital life, his confidence, and see how importance is this 2nd house is? If this house doesn’t get that nourishment which it deserves, this child will not be able to be productive his entire life. Those parents who have malefic planets in their 2nd house, please rewind their memories to their childhood. Haven’t you ever felt that you did not get that nourishment from your family and that damaged your life up to some extent? So when you see a malefic planet in your child’s 2nd house, please confirm you are sending the right signals to the child as a responsible parent. Find out what blocks you from giving your full nourishment to your child. Yes, we won’t be able to give that 100%, but still we can give a try to go an extra mile right? Or if you are a parent who is clinging on to your personal sorrows, let me enlighten you, maybe mingling more and working for your children’s happiness will be the best ever remedy for your happiness and success in your life.


Those who have malefic planets in your 2nd house, you guys need some hard work and be hard line on yourself. You didn’t get that strong foundation from your childhood, but you can always restart your life even at your deathbed. Just restart your life, yes, that happens when a bad planet in your 2nd house. At a later stage in your life, you get a realization that things are not going that well and you taking a decision to reverse your life for your success and you win! Even though you started little late, you getting success which is going to be there with you forever. How nice is that? So rise up and get the charge of your life. Don’t sit and cry,,,,,,, LOL. Water yourself and if your kids also need that feed, provide them too. Everything will be alright. Yes, Hope, that’s what we srule12hould have, than all that stupid remedial suggestions.

You don’t have to go to psychologist , or a analyst if you find a malefic in the 2nd house of your child, that means your parenting needs to be improved. And that’s the power of astrology.

The 2nd house has so many other meanings also, but, I was reading more about child counseling , so this topic came to my mind. Please inbox your comments.   When you teach your children don’t forget your past……. don’t be a hypocrite. Remember one more thing, their parents and your parents are different, so is their grandparents, their Karma and your Karma is different so is their destiny . Happy parenting !

What is KemaDruma Dosha In Astrology> How to Manage it?



What You Should Do, When You have Kema Druma Dosha 

The attraction to be alone, the situations can make you alone, mind full of imagination, the difficulty to adjust with the general public, family members,nd a distance even from your so-called friends. Getting hurt or being extra sensitive, and the urge to run away from the madding crowd. If you find yourself in any of this situation frequently check the placement of your Moon in the chart. Well, these things can take place due to a lot of other factors as well. These are the 3 conditions which form










What is Kem Drum Dosh?

(a) The moon has no neighbors [no planet in the 2nd or 12th sign from it], and
(b) There are no planets it’s Kendra [i.e. at right angles, i.e. in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th signs from it], and
(c) There are no planets in Kendra from the ascendant.

Even if Rahu/Ketu are with Moon , or in any of the house 1st and 12th from the Moon, if the Sun is also 1st and 12th from the Moon, it is considered as Kema druma dosha

Why Kemdrum Dosh makes you love loneliness
For that, we have to understand the significance of the Moon in astrology. In astrology each house and each planet signifies something. Basically, astrology is a code language and astrologers decode that hidden messages in that. It doesn’t mean that Moon is “making you” to have Kemdrum dosh, but it is just an indication of you facing loneliness in your life. When you see the planetary placement, then you should not think that these planetary placements are just an indication of the possibility to have a certain occasion in your life. It is not a must or surety that a particular event should take place. There are chances for a particular event and you can prepare to go through, enjoy the benefits of such placements, or adjust your life so that it doesn’t affect you much. That’s why I love astrology.



Let’s come back to the lonely moon in your chart.

Moon signifies a lot of things in astrology. Moon means, mind, emotions, female figures, mother, joy, happiness, state of mind etc
In UttaraKalamrita , Maha Kavi Kalidas Says, Moon signifies Intelligence Perfumes, Hidden of ulcerous, troubles in the stomach, Woman, Sleep, Happiness, Liquids, Malarial, fever, Mother, Pearls, Salt,Mind, Muhurta or 48 minutes duration worship of Gauri Fondness of Curd One who does tapas or penance Strong at night Eating Facial Luster Good Fruits Fish and other Aquatic beings clothes.

Basically, the moon is connected with a state of mind and our mind is not in a physical form. It is not constant, It can go to any realm and avastha and if it is alone, then it means the thoughts and imagination will be uncontrollable. Because it doesn’t have anything to depend upon. When you have a lonely moon, you may confront that situation which may remind you that you are alone in the world. Where you may lose trust in others or your experiences in life can make you think more about dependence in the Lord almighty.


Is Kemdruma Dosha Fatal?


You must have heard people promoting Kemdrum dosh in a negative version, but I myself have this lonely moon in my chart, that too in the sign of a Jupiter( Pisces). I don’t feel any shame to say about this, because if it helps people why should I hesitate? I have gone through trials where I lose trust in relations. Let it be in familial relations or when we come across the public as well. It took some time for me to realize the genuinity   in those relations and to take a firm stand on it. I myself is not very keen to make friends or I have realized that I am not at all good in making friends. My friends are not from an ordinary lifestyle because all of them are theologians. I dunno whether they also have a Kemdrum dosh in their chart because they also don’t have many friends from the outside world. I have seen myself that I have only long term friends, which means my close friends ( I have only close friends) are there for more than 15 years with me. Our bond is so strong where we share good things, bad things, and confess with each other. In my workplace also, I have only 2 people whom I continuously talk to, whom I am comfortable with.  If I am not comfortable with someone.  I just avoid all the confrontations with them, so that I can be happy. My happiness is important for me as far as I am not violating anyone’s happiness or I am using them for my pleasure.  I am a person who always takes the strategy to take less luggage in the journey of life so that I can feel less burdened. I feel uncomfortable when I am in public or open to publicity. I have seen myself limited myself a lot and whenever I have broken this limitation stamped by the universe, me falling into unwanted situations.


Some people have told me that, they have always thought that I am a person with a vast friend circle, It’s a big NO NO. I can only take what I can handle right? I really don’t think, I will ever take any more friends into my life as well. The lonely moon can make you be very careful in relationships. That is the main indication. Those who have lonely moon in their chart, please make sure that doesn’t fall into sudden conclusions about any relations, it doesn’t have to be friends, but all relations which you are the main part. Or you have to take a stand that you are looking only at your business. As a person, with Kemdrum dosh, I took a long time to realize the importance of less luggage concept. Basically, our mind is delicate, so don’t take too much of burdens. That is the main idea behind the concept of Kemdrum dosh.


Once when you realize that spiritual path is what we are destined to, then we will see a lot of good things happening to us. Maybe in the past, we have depended on the mortal human beings and they were limited to themself, and due to those limitations, they could not contribute much to our wellbeing. Now we are free from that mortal bondage and connected to that immortal and pure force, then obviously nothing can stop us. The only thing that can stop us is our emotional being and negative thoughts which can tempt us to set our eyes again in the situations created by mortal man and mortal desires. We have tasted that confusions earlier now we want only that journey with happiness till the end so that our soul can depart freely, joyously to get united with that supreme force. When we stand on that decision and take action based on that we see that universal force showering good times into our life.


The limit of Vedic astrologers is that most of them trust in remedial measures, which never work. What only works in human life is realization and repentance and actions based on repentance. Any dosh, manglik, kemdrum, kal sarppi, shrapit dosha, pitra dosha we can see that in all these our mental state is the most important even if some of the ill effects are the direct contributions from past life Karma. I have always looked into my personal life and I have asked my god about his stand on past life Karma. When I have analyzed my family history I have seen certain experiences which I or my family members have gone through has definitely got a reason arising our ancestors’ life pattern and their Karma. Those who have overcome that difficult situation by faith and actions are doing well in their life, but those who did not have the courage to break the chains are still living in that agony.

Kemdrum dosh can give a creative mind, spiritual inclination, and a disciplined lifestyle, and a person with this yoga has to blindly follow that righteous path. That is the only remedy. The ultimate aim of kemdrum dosh is to take the human to trust only in the Lord almighty. This lonely moon helps the natives to realize the real aim of the soul is rest with our creator as we are just mortal human beings and our entire dependency should not be in mortal human beings, but in that immortal force who created this entire universe. Once you started realizing this fact, you will identify that that so-called Kemdrussh has subsided a lot and your personality is getting refined day by day. There are many successful people with this dosh so, you don’t have to fear the dire consequences written in ancient texts. It was written by Sage Parashara He was born towards the end of Tretayuga, lived to see the complete Dwaparayuga. I truly dunno whether we are in Kalyug because some people firmly say that Kalyug is over. So we have traveled along through time from Treta Yug and our physical shape also has been changes. So we don’t have to take that account by words but the psychological implication is very important. We have living examples too.


Kemdrum Yog/ dosh doesn’t make you poor, Bill Gates, has this yoga.   All we Kemdrum guys have to keep our mind alert to Make our Moon happy through the righteous ways………….and that’s it.  Let us submit all our worries in that superpower, then everything will be fine.


It is a call from the universe so that we can travel in a higher dimension. Enjoy it.

Are You a Manglik?


That Manglik Moment
When someone realizes that he or she is a Manglik, then I dunno what all feeling they go through. That fear, agony and embarrassment without actually knowing what exactly Manglik dosh is. This is why I think western astrology is cool because they don’t see Mars being in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house being fatal as the majority of Indians believe.
New generation guys make fun of this concept in astrology, but as an astrologer who is researching on various aspects of astrology, I bet the impact of Manglik dosha can affect people even if Mangalyaan conquer the entire planet Mars.  It has become a trend to mock at the ancient teachings , I will never do that because all ancient teaching despite the religion , they speak a lot of sense than advanced people speaks.

Mangalyaan has nothing to with Manglik dosh and yes, Manglik dosh is a reality. But people may have understood it wrongly and there are astrologers who scare people just by quoting Manglik dosha means the death of your spouse. It is not like that. Yes, it may mean some distance between you aand your spouse, but depends on various other aspect in astrology. So when you see Mars in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12 th house please dont jump into conclusions.

Its always good when you find whether you have Manglik dosh in your chart, don’t worry if you have, you can convert this Mars energy for your good.
In Yajur Veda Mars is mentioned like this
Agnir Murdha Diva: Kakutpati: Prithivya Ayam!
Apam Retamsi Jinvati !
—Sukla Yajur Veda Samhita iii-12
Matysa purana chapter 68 describes how Mars is born. When Lord Shiva was angry over Daksha Prajapati’s behavior  which was very humiliating and his wife Satidevi committed suicide because she could not tolerate her dad humiliating her husband, a drop of sweat from his forehead fell on earth. The earth was unable to withstand its heat. That drop of sweat  was capable to pierce seven seas and seven patals and got converted into ‘Veerbhadra’ who routed and destroyed the Yagya of Daksha Prajapati and presented himself before Shiva. Lord Shiva was highly pleased over his act and granted him the status of a planet called Angaraka. Mars, is also known as Angaraka.

Mars is also known as Kuja, Bhom, Lohitang, Angaraka, Kruraksha, Kshitinandan, Dharaputra,
Bhuputra, Avnisuta, Raktang, Aangiras,Skandha,Kusuta, Maheya,Medneej,
shamaputra,Bhumisunu,Maheeja,Ashadhabh etc

As you know astrology is a very complicated subject, especially Vedic astrology is some thing very confusing. There are other  planet counted equally or more than dangerous than Mars, but why only this Mars Dosha aka Manglik Dosha is promoted so  much? In the 7th house, even Jupiter can also be a reason for divorce even if it is in a good sign and I have seen that in few cases where as Jupiter is known as great benefic in astrology.

In Vedic astrology, Jupiter and Venus are known as natural benefits but both the planets can give bad results for some people. I had a client who has Jupiter in her lagna and she is very well educated, rich and having a luxurious life. At the same time, she is very dissatisfied and arrogant person and single at the age of 32 just because of her arrogance and nondiplomatic attitude.

Venus, during its Antar Dasa and maha dasa, makes people disorganized and I have a client who filed for divorce because his wife is cheating on him and she was going through her Venus dasa. Exalted Venus is more like an enemy to the native, when Venus is considered as a natural benefic.
As far as I know why Mars dosha aka Manglik dosha is highlighted because he is known as the soldier or god of war. Whichever house it sits, it makes that house a war front, which can affect entire life of that person.

There are 12 houses in astrology, signifying birth to death, when Mars sits in that fatal houses those areas regarding that house can be achieved only through struggles or factors signified by that house can give pain and trouble to the native. This is the exact idea behind being a Manglik.

These fatal houses are 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th. Let’s see why these houses are fatal and how Mars make these houses a battle ground when it is placed in these houses.
I will describe each Mars in each house in details.

For those who has Mars in the 1st house/Lagna

Represents the person, his innate nature and state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality, appearance, prosperity, general disposition in life, reputation and status, desires and their fulfillment and the body part this can be considered as the general assessment of the first house, but first house is more than this. Whatever you with these things in this house will invite reaction from others.When Mars sits here he will like to wage war with others because you may frequently do those things which can make others react in order to make war with you. That means you can have repeated conflicts with those who connected with your 1st house. Those in the family, neighbors, your colleagues, or within yourself you are into conflict with yourself. For those who has Mars in your 1st house, you guys watch out for that restlessness within your personality. Are others complaining you that you are little uncontrollable or focusing on yourself? When your views are offended do you really go mad? Or you have an obsession with a victory against others physically or mentally? These are the indications of Mars being in your 1st house. That restless and zeal to fight against whoever comes in your way, of course, have the power to spread negative vibes around you. There are chances for you to know as a rebellious and arrogant person and this can cause agony to your near and dear ones. If it is not controlled it can bring in situations where you are unable to reach your goals because success is not a one man action as we are social beings.

Now Mars has 3 aspects , from the 1st house it aspects 4th house of mother, happiness, upbringing, relatives, friends, supporters, basic education, vehicles and conveyances, domestic peace, mind, mental peace, spiritual life , confidence, righteous conduct, close of life, comforts, luxuries, country of birth, immovable properties, real estate, land, wells and tanks, house, home and , assets . The it aspects the 7th house of Represents long-term relationships, legal ties, spouse, partners in life and partners in business, vitality, potency, fertility, passion, outgoing nature, adultery, moral conduct, pleasures, comforts and life in foreign lands, success in love affairs, conjugal life, home abroad, travel, trade business, and expansion. Mars last aspect is on 8th house from 1st and 8th house means longevity, research, interest in mystical sciences, occult, MOKSHA, inner and outer transformations, past and future events, inheritance, death, will and testament, insurances, easy gains, marital-tie, vulnerability, fear, accidents, obstructions, litigation, bankruptcy, theft, losses, misfortunes, disgrace and , disappointments

What Happens when Mars Aspects 4th, 7th and 8th house( For those who has Mars in Lagna/1st house)

Impact of aspect on  4th house

The 4th house indicates mother, family property, conveniences like vehicles and those comforts which required for happy life. You may find difficulty in getting these conveniences or you will misuse your resources. This is nothing but an indication of restlessness regarding the features of the 4th house. It will not be all the same for all. You should identify what is your issue with the 4th house, is that disunity with your mother or female figures in your life? Are you a spendthrift who selling your property for your lavish life? Or are you a person who has a mind to attach others property with you.
Impact of aspect on  7th house

This house mainly deals with the spouse, sexual relations, business relations, contracts, agreements, foreign relations and open enemies. Obviously, you may tend to take a soldier mentality in marital relation. Mars, a planet with so much of energy and fire will be dealing with your spouse. If your spouse has the same energy, then only they will be able to confront with you. If they don’t have that placement, your energy can overpower them . They may not be able to handle that energy because there is no room for storage. They are exhausted by managing you and them ”call it quits”. LOL. This “quits” can happen in most of the relation mentioned by the 7th house. The only remedy is that realizing that this placement is impacting you and slowing down to your energy. You becoming adjustable for others and the whole game is your responsibility. Not others. For those who are married, they should, at least, show the courtesy to ask their spouse whether they are happy with sexual advancements you make with them. Especially I have seen some are so confident about their sexual urge but their spouses feel something opposite about them, but they keep quiet just for the sake of keeping peace in the relation. Mars in the 7th house can even cause the fast release of sexual vibes and the person may think only about releasing their own pressures which can obviously cause their partner frustrated. This can even make you an over sexed person who want to pick up more and more sexual unions to gratify yourself.That lustful thought can conquer the mind and the urge to practice those sexual fantasies may confuse your spouse. In the long run that relation may lose the beauty and eventually cause sheer unhappiness between the spouse. This can happen with only those relation whose relation is very worldly. Those spiritual families will have the capability to overcome this.

Impact of aspect on   8th house
I think, 8th house is the dirtiest house in astrology. This is the house which indicates your longevity, health, hidden diseases, sexual diseases, a health of spouse, partnerships, and in-laws. You can see that these are very key issues which we need careful steps. When Mars aspects this 8th house from 1st house, obvious you can have more sex if the 7th aspect is triggering issues with a spouse, this 8th house is triggering the desire for illicit relationships for males and females. They may not be happy with that regular sexual confrontation, so they need some thing more. So the eyes may look for those who are available for secret sexual experiments finally this can land them in shame, agony, sexually transmitted diseases, issues in such sexual relations (every illicit relation ends in deep enmity), this may affect your spouse and they may “‘call it quits” LOL. Obviously, in-laws will take you through that legal proceedings or confront you harshly. That means you may reach in a situation where your spouse’s status is almost non-existent for you.

Now please don’t fall into that nonsense remedial measures like marrying a dog, wearing a gemstone, tying those color threads, talismans of different strange shapes. I wonder how people can think even they can imagine by tying talismans and they holding some strange mantras to subdue the Martian energy. When you see Mars in 1st house, don’t panic. There are crores and crores of people having this placement living happily and successfully. I literally hate when those learned Vedic astrologers show the face of a loser to clients when they see this Manglik dosh. Mars is an indication of immense energy, he is the soldier of the zodiac. When it is in your 1st, 4th, 7th 8th or 12th house that means nothing, but you are displaying a fighter spirit in the areas signified by that house. The only remedy is that you understand yourself and just make necessary adjustments. That’s all. You cant do anything more than, submitting your worries to the lord and forcefully putting some austerity measures on you so that you change yourself for a better future.

I will explain about Mars impact on other houses. If your feel this article helpful , please lemme know via my mail . I have purposefully disabled that commenting section for obvious reasons.

My Journey as an Astrologer

When I describe their charts to my clients and friends, some of them are interested in a detailed description, but the majority of them don’t like that complicated analysis. They say we don’t want that ”Mars aspects Saturn, Jupiter casting the influence on 2nd house”, We want only the clear cut answer about our future. They add, “these complicated and weird calculations can only be done by an astrologer”. I laugh when I hear that. Why because I myself only know how poor I was in my math classes. I remember me even getting a zero and my dad slapping me with a stick and my mom trying to prevent him. My bro,, who is a medico was so bright in studies and my parents had high expectation from him. He was standing in a corner and laughing loudly listening to my pleas to stop slapping me. The hatred towards mathematics was always there in me and to be truthful, the only math lesson I understand is the lesson related to astrology. I can easily calculate them even without a software, but I depend upon software so that the manual calculations will take around 3 days.

I was never bothered about my academics, and I never had any dream to be a doctor or engineer. Frankly speaking, I never had any high ambitions about myself. I never wanted to participate in the competition of any kind in the society. Such a child will be a headache for any parent and she/he will be counted as a black sheep in the family as I was. The one thing I was interested since my childhood was getting connected to the multi-dimensional realm. I am grateful to the convent school education that they gave me a great interest in the concept of God. My family atmosphere was not that religiously connected and my dad was a strong atheist. He used to tell me and my bro ‘There are too many gods in the world, but no godliness or humanity. This world needs good humans try to be that if you can”. There were no restrictions at my home to learn any religion. Even from my childhood, I started learning Geeta, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Bible, Quraan and I have even read antichrist and devil worship books. I was so, so drawn to that multi-dimensional details and I was so zealous in gaining more and more knowledge about it.

My dad has a library at home, it has around 300 books including, novels, political literature, historical details, biographies, astrology, palmistry and the list go on. Now also, my dad buys books and I also buy a book and I have a small library of my own. I told my husband as we are on constructing our house, we should have a library at home even if we don’t have a prayer room. We can combine library and prayer room. I may be spending my time there reading and doing my astrology work. I think I was in 7th standard I found a book about palmistry in my dad ‘s library written by the most successful palmist “Cheiro” and that’s can be said as a stepping stone to my life as a professional in mystical sciences. I started reading this book day and night and I hide this book under my coat, so that no one could find it. I was reading and testing it in my own family members. I understood that this technique is working so well because I knew the life of my family members, so it was easy to analyze. I tested that with my friends and there also it was working. I started loving the subject so much my mom found that I am spending time with “Cheiro” and after that I never saw that book. I remember I was so good at palmistry but later I start forgetting that slowly, but now also when someone opens their palm, like in public even in a quick glance I am able to say at least 10 facts from their life.
Interest towards astrology also developed during school days but of course after I started forgetting “Cheiro”. I truly don’t remember which book I read first, but at some point of time, I started reading “Linda Goodman” .I got through my school and I had an insight that I will become a media person. I loved learning language and literature I told my parents don’t put me in a science group, my mind is delicate and I can’t learn physics or chemistry. During those days, media job was not considered as an ideal profession for ladies even though we all loved Ms.Sarla Maheshwari, Ms. Usha Albuquerque, and Ms. Rini Khannaa. My dad was so crazy and put me in science group and I could not do better. Even though I had a strong yoga to be a surgeon in my astrology chart. Now I think that yoga is for my profession in alternative medicine which I am learning now. I am not joking, I am telling you I can look at the face and find whether this person has a physical ailment. Astrological information is just a value addition for that skill.

Well, I somehow got through my pre-university and then my parents understood that I can’t be a doctor as they wish. I spend 1 year in doing BA English lit. I was the topper in my class. Trust me. My teachers were so so fond of me and they used to encourage study well you will be the topper in the university. I dunno whether to curse or say kudos to myself about leaving that degree class for LL.B. I never liked my law classes. I was never interested in that subject, I just got through the entrance exam, and it is a professional course my parents were proud about me for the first time in their life LOL …..that’s the only reason I went there. I literally hated that environment. I even thought of going back to my degree class……… but I could not. I never had any dreams about my classmates or colleagues or never wanted to be a lawyer. The only interest was the multidimensional realms, super god, extra-terrestrials, ghosts, para normal experiences, astrology, spirituality, philosophy, and of course charity. When I write this you should not think that I was a sinless pure soul, who was only connected to god, it was not at all like that. I have always realized that I am such an arrogant, impatient, lustful, and disobedient and the list go on.
Maybe it is god’s call, I got a chance to study theology during my second year of law. I used to see those gals, doing charity work and always smiling at me and friends. I went with them and there the theology life started. Then I never looked back. Because those were the type of people whom I wanted to interact with, those were the people whom I wanted to spend time with, those were the people whom I wanted to spend my life with……but none of them were astrologers or they never liked astrology. So I had to shut my astrology knowledge here as well. Long years of theology life taught me various shades of spirituality, human nature, charity, forgiveness, humility and my challenge was to be humble, control my lust, and to be obedient. Life of a true theologian is not easy, god will test our faith like anything. He will take us through all the temptation and if we successfully overcome it, there is a place for us in heaven. Guys, I look only at eternal life even though I have my own share of challenges also.

I joined my theology and I lost my entire interest in legal studies. I got married during the second year from to my classmate in theology class. During all these years I was learning more and more astrology combined with theology and I felt there is a great connection between both subjects. In my opinion, astrology is a divine subject and the purity in the personal life of the astrologer will definitely influence his predictions. Theology compels the astrologer to be pure and to repent of his sins and astrology throws light on his life and about the possible situations which can come up in his life. That’s my take on this. I don’t believe in remedies as I think we humans are really nothing in front of this universe and issues and problems should be confronted with faith, prayer and action.

It was in 2007 after my second child my astrology career started. I dunno why and how I started meeting psychics and astrologers in my life for the first time. That great personality from Kollywood was my husband’s friend. He doesn’t want to reveal himself as a psychic and a mystic but he gave me a great reading because I was little discouraged with my personal life. After he gave that reading I became so hopeful and started thinking “why can’t I do this? I also know it.” There I started my astrology journey, my husband, parents or my kids never knew that I was an astrologer. I never felt like telling them. My husband literally hates astrologers even though he has never been to an astrologer. It was during my mercury – Saturn dasa. Then more troubles were waiting for me because my Ketu dasa was starting. Ketu is in the 3rd house astrology so those troubles were a reason to bring out the astrologer in me. My Ketu –Sun time that was in 2012 November transformed to proclaim myself as an astrologer. I had so many trials starting from my Mercury dasa till Ketu -Venus dasa in 2012 November came to an end as soon as I started helping more and more people through theology and astrology. Yes, there were disheartening experiences after that, but I can say now, at present I am much much happy and contended than even in my life. I hope things will get better every day as I am more prayer full and begging for god’s mercy. Falling at his feet and praising him for showing his glory to me. For giving an opportunity to be what I am and to find myself, the real self.

I always knew that I will never become a big shot in a corporate environment. I am not interested in that worldly status or recognition. I have never chased any human or comforts in my life. I strongly believe if something is destined written for me, those things will come to me. Let it be blessings, people, emotions, wealth or curses. I will never chase anything in my life. If something god has decided for me, that will come to me and the universe will conspire to bring those things to me.

Still my parents or my family members are not that aware that I am an astrologer or I am writing in portals. They have found me crazy and out of this world. And when someone say” she is a crazy lady” I really love that statement. Because I never wanted to go with the flow. All I wanted is satisfaction from being human and do good for those people who need it. We are just nothing but we should try the best to reach that perfection where God can choose us when comes with all his glory. I am fine if I am crazy, poor or ugly because these are the standards of human beings. I firmly believe, even though I am not a perfect person, I have some place in God’s palace even as a servant and that’s enough for me.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.