Are You a Manglik?
That Manglik Moment
When someone realizes that he or she is a Manglik, then I dunno what all feeling they go through. That fear, agony and embarrassment without actually knowing what exactly Manglik dosh is. This is why I think western astrology is cool because they don’t see Mars being in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house being fatal as the majority of Indians believe.
New generation guys make fun of this concept in astrology, but as an astrologer who is researching on various aspects of astrology, I bet the impact of Manglik dosha can affect people even if Mangalyaan conquer the entire planet Mars. It has become a trend to mock at the ancient teachings , I will never do that because all ancient teaching despite the religion , they speak a lot of sense than advanced people speaks.
Mangalyaan has nothing to with Manglik dosh and yes, Manglik dosh is a reality. But people may have understood it wrongly and there are astrologers who scare people just by quoting Manglik dosha means the death of your spouse. It is not like that. Yes, it may mean some distance between you aand your spouse, but depends on various other aspect in astrology. So when you see Mars in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12 th house please dont jump into conclusions.
Its always good when you find whether you have Manglik dosh in your chart, don’t worry if you have, you can convert this Mars energy for your good.
In Yajur Veda Mars is mentioned like this
Agnir Murdha Diva: Kakutpati: Prithivya Ayam!
Apam Retamsi Jinvati !
—Sukla Yajur Veda Samhita iii-12
Matysa purana chapter 68 describes how Mars is born. When Lord Shiva was angry over Daksha Prajapati’s behavior which was very humiliating and his wife Satidevi committed suicide because she could not tolerate her dad humiliating her husband, a drop of sweat from his forehead fell on earth. The earth was unable to withstand its heat. That drop of sweat was capable to pierce seven seas and seven patals and got converted into ‘Veerbhadra’ who routed and destroyed the Yagya of Daksha Prajapati and presented himself before Shiva. Lord Shiva was highly pleased over his act and granted him the status of a planet called Angaraka. Mars, is also known as Angaraka.
Mars is also known as Kuja, Bhom, Lohitang, Angaraka, Kruraksha, Kshitinandan, Dharaputra,
Bhuputra, Avnisuta, Raktang, Aangiras,Skandha,Kusuta, Maheya,Medneej,
shamaputra,Bhumisunu,Maheeja,Ashadhabh etc
As you know astrology is a very complicated subject, especially Vedic astrology is some thing very confusing. There are other planet counted equally or more than dangerous than Mars, but why only this Mars Dosha aka Manglik Dosha is promoted so much? In the 7th house, even Jupiter can also be a reason for divorce even if it is in a good sign and I have seen that in few cases where as Jupiter is known as great benefic in astrology.
In Vedic astrology, Jupiter and Venus are known as natural benefits but both the planets can give bad results for some people. I had a client who has Jupiter in her lagna and she is very well educated, rich and having a luxurious life. At the same time, she is very dissatisfied and arrogant person and single at the age of 32 just because of her arrogance and nondiplomatic attitude.
Venus, during its Antar Dasa and maha dasa, makes people disorganized and I have a client who filed for divorce because his wife is cheating on him and she was going through her Venus dasa. Exalted Venus is more like an enemy to the native, when Venus is considered as a natural benefic.
As far as I know why Mars dosha aka Manglik dosha is highlighted because he is known as the soldier or god of war. Whichever house it sits, it makes that house a war front, which can affect entire life of that person.
There are 12 houses in astrology, signifying birth to death, when Mars sits in that fatal houses those areas regarding that house can be achieved only through struggles or factors signified by that house can give pain and trouble to the native. This is the exact idea behind being a Manglik.
These fatal houses are 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th. Let’s see why these houses are fatal and how Mars make these houses a battle ground when it is placed in these houses.
I will describe each Mars in each house in details.
For those who has Mars in the 1st house/Lagna
Represents the person, his innate nature and state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality, appearance, prosperity, general disposition in life, reputation and status, desires and their fulfillment and the body part this can be considered as the general assessment of the first house, but first house is more than this. Whatever you with these things in this house will invite reaction from others.When Mars sits here he will like to wage war with others because you may frequently do those things which can make others react in order to make war with you. That means you can have repeated conflicts with those who connected with your 1st house. Those in the family, neighbors, your colleagues, or within yourself you are into conflict with yourself. For those who has Mars in your 1st house, you guys watch out for that restlessness within your personality. Are others complaining you that you are little uncontrollable or focusing on yourself? When your views are offended do you really go mad? Or you have an obsession with a victory against others physically or mentally? These are the indications of Mars being in your 1st house. That restless and zeal to fight against whoever comes in your way, of course, have the power to spread negative vibes around you. There are chances for you to know as a rebellious and arrogant person and this can cause agony to your near and dear ones. If it is not controlled it can bring in situations where you are unable to reach your goals because success is not a one man action as we are social beings.
Now Mars has 3 aspects , from the 1st house it aspects 4th house of mother, happiness, upbringing, relatives, friends, supporters, basic education, vehicles and conveyances, domestic peace, mind, mental peace, spiritual life , confidence, righteous conduct, close of life, comforts, luxuries, country of birth, immovable properties, real estate, land, wells and tanks, house, home and , assets . The it aspects the 7th house of Represents long-term relationships, legal ties, spouse, partners in life and partners in business, vitality, potency, fertility, passion, outgoing nature, adultery, moral conduct, pleasures, comforts and life in foreign lands, success in love affairs, conjugal life, home abroad, travel, trade business, and expansion. Mars last aspect is on 8th house from 1st and 8th house means longevity, research, interest in mystical sciences, occult, MOKSHA, inner and outer transformations, past and future events, inheritance, death, will and testament, insurances, easy gains, marital-tie, vulnerability, fear, accidents, obstructions, litigation, bankruptcy, theft, losses, misfortunes, disgrace and , disappointments
What Happens when Mars Aspects 4th, 7th and 8th house( For those who has Mars in Lagna/1st house)
Impact of aspect on 4th house
The 4th house indicates mother, family property, conveniences like vehicles and those comforts which required for happy life. You may find difficulty in getting these conveniences or you will misuse your resources. This is nothing but an indication of restlessness regarding the features of the 4th house. It will not be all the same for all. You should identify what is your issue with the 4th house, is that disunity with your mother or female figures in your life? Are you a spendthrift who selling your property for your lavish life? Or are you a person who has a mind to attach others property with you.
Impact of aspect on 7th house
This house mainly deals with the spouse, sexual relations, business relations, contracts, agreements, foreign relations and open enemies. Obviously, you may tend to take a soldier mentality in marital relation. Mars, a planet with so much of energy and fire will be dealing with your spouse. If your spouse has the same energy, then only they will be able to confront with you. If they don’t have that placement, your energy can overpower them . They may not be able to handle that energy because there is no room for storage. They are exhausted by managing you and them ”call it quits”. LOL. This “quits” can happen in most of the relation mentioned by the 7th house. The only remedy is that realizing that this placement is impacting you and slowing down to your energy. You becoming adjustable for others and the whole game is your responsibility. Not others. For those who are married, they should, at least, show the courtesy to ask their spouse whether they are happy with sexual advancements you make with them. Especially I have seen some are so confident about their sexual urge but their spouses feel something opposite about them, but they keep quiet just for the sake of keeping peace in the relation. Mars in the 7th house can even cause the fast release of sexual vibes and the person may think only about releasing their own pressures which can obviously cause their partner frustrated. This can even make you an over sexed person who want to pick up more and more sexual unions to gratify yourself.That lustful thought can conquer the mind and the urge to practice those sexual fantasies may confuse your spouse. In the long run that relation may lose the beauty and eventually cause sheer unhappiness between the spouse. This can happen with only those relation whose relation is very worldly. Those spiritual families will have the capability to overcome this.
Impact of aspect on 8th house
I think, 8th house is the dirtiest house in astrology. This is the house which indicates your longevity, health, hidden diseases, sexual diseases, a health of spouse, partnerships, and in-laws. You can see that these are very key issues which we need careful steps. When Mars aspects this 8th house from 1st house, obvious you can have more sex if the 7th aspect is triggering issues with a spouse, this 8th house is triggering the desire for illicit relationships for males and females. They may not be happy with that regular sexual confrontation, so they need some thing more. So the eyes may look for those who are available for secret sexual experiments finally this can land them in shame, agony, sexually transmitted diseases, issues in such sexual relations (every illicit relation ends in deep enmity), this may affect your spouse and they may “‘call it quits” LOL. Obviously, in-laws will take you through that legal proceedings or confront you harshly. That means you may reach in a situation where your spouse’s status is almost non-existent for you.
Now please don’t fall into that nonsense remedial measures like marrying a dog, wearing a gemstone, tying those color threads, talismans of different strange shapes. I wonder how people can think even they can imagine by tying talismans and they holding some strange mantras to subdue the Martian energy. When you see Mars in 1st house, don’t panic. There are crores and crores of people having this placement living happily and successfully. I literally hate when those learned Vedic astrologers show the face of a loser to clients when they see this Manglik dosh. Mars is an indication of immense energy, he is the soldier of the zodiac. When it is in your 1st, 4th, 7th 8th or 12th house that means nothing, but you are displaying a fighter spirit in the areas signified by that house. The only remedy is that you understand yourself and just make necessary adjustments. That’s all. You cant do anything more than, submitting your worries to the lord and forcefully putting some austerity measures on you so that you change yourself for a better future.
I will explain about Mars impact on other houses. If your feel this article helpful , please lemme know via my mail . I have purposefully disabled that commenting section for obvious reasons.