The Harsh Solar Returns
As a medical astrology student, I generally ignore the diseases regarding consultations as it may agonize people. Even if there is a demand for such consultation, I don’t do it. Still, I always keep a track on my health using the monthly and yearly transit. Tracking health through astrology is little difficult as Moon is the only planet which can be studied to track daily health, but it stays 2.5 days in a sign.
I am not keeping well now and I am very tired. It happens to me during every solar return. Every birth month triggers my health in a negative way. Health-wise, I am not that strong so minor matters can impact me. I was looking at all my solar transits for the last 3 years. Every time when the Sun stepped into my birth sign, I was on medical leave. My boss is so gracious on me, so he never gets angry, but during every appraisal, he strictly warns me of this leave issue. But I am helpless as the universe is asking me to slow down and take rest.
Today morning I woke up at 3 am, I had a severe headache, I took a dart at 3 am and tried to sleep. For the past 2 months I am waking up at 3 am and it is the signal of spirituality. The Brahma Muhurta is the time between 3 am to 6 am when nature is silently inspecting every nook and corner to see where should it act to bring perfection. The universal energies are high at that time and that is the best time to absorb pure and fresh energy from the universe. Jesus prayed at this time.
I, sometimes wake up at this time, but for the past 2 months, someone is waking me up to this time, but I still lie on the bed and look into the darkness to see whether any plaedian or andromedan is hiding in that darkness. But yesterday I started praying as I was so sad just because of bad health. I kept on praying until 4 30, then I got up and started writing Rahu Ketu transit.
During every solar return, we will get into the physical issue, which is a cleanup process from the universe. I request the rationals to look into this matter, whether they also go through this.
Other sensitive time for health during transit is whenever any planet moves through 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 12 houses.
These houses indicate health directly and indirectly. I still remember when Mars was transiting the 2nd house 4 years back I had severe conjunctivitis.
It is easy to track health via transit, but it shows minor issues. Transits are not the primary factor in astrology. The birth chart is the king. If your birth chart is showing some serious issues then that will rise up in the mahadasa of the dispositors.
If you are planning any trip or big task then it will be good if any transits are coming up soon or on the fixed date over 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 12 houses. You can be very sure that there will temporary discomfort and plan accordingly. I use to do that. Now according to the western chart, Mercury will enter Pisces this week and it will be retrograde in Pisces, then I know it will be a testing time for my health. I can only take care of my diet and hygiene. At the same time, I may not plan any big events for the next month as retrograde Mercury will be hesitating to leave Pisces soon….