Why do we suffer so much? : Revealing the Hidden Origins of Your Suffering through Karma Theory”
“Why am I here? Why am I experiencing so much suffering? When will I finally overcome my struggles?” These are the fundamental questions frequently posed to astrologers.
The quest to understand one’s purpose and the reasons behind personal hardships is a common and natural inquiry. Individuals seek solace and guidance from astrologers, who offer unique insights into these existential quandaries. Exploring the cosmos and its influence on human lives, astrologers strive to shed light on the deeper meaning behind our experiences.
Even the astrologer also asks the same question to herself at times. Being a spiritualist, astrologer, Christian theologian, and monotheist I have a definite answer for this as I know this is God’s plan for me. It’s better to accept it and do the good karma as much as I can so that I can be hopeful, and joyful for the coming days. The main challenge of an astrologer or a theologian is, people come to them majorly when they have worries.
Very less people come and share the good news, so it’s very important for me to be self-motivated, and faithful toward the almighty so that no negative influence can take away that inner peace and joy. While I strive to embody a saintly demeanor, I acknowledge that I am not immune to moments of anger, frustration, and impatience. However, I have come to realize that the less I dwell in these human emotions, the quicker I can discover a state of contentment.
Over the past few days, as some of you know that I am only on bed rest due to a ligament tear on my right leg. My right leg has some defects and my parents got it corrected but I cannot walk fast, run fast, or sit on the floor cross-legged. There were so many times I fell down sprained my leg, and doctors asked me not to wear high heels, but I love wearing them, and I have a collection of high heels including stilletoes. With this leg, I played basketball and Kyukushikai which is a martial art form. Now running through a bad dasa, I knew I may have physical injuries and the universe reminded me to be safe twice. I fell down on the first week of May and got my right ankle sprained and the doctor took an x-ray, but everything was ok. He suggested a crepe band and I was on bed rest for 1 week walking on crutches. Then the last week of May I fell down in front of Lulu Mall on the busy road, my ankle again got sprained, and my driver took me to Caritas hospital, all the way from Ernakulam, as it is my regular hospital. The doctor again took my xray and there was nothing wrong, but the ligament tear, he had a second thought and plastered my leg and suggested bed rest again. I could not bear the pain and I was crying in that casualty, there were many around me but I was the only one crying aloud. I first called up my mom and my mother-in-law and cried, because the pain was so intense. Back home I was put on bed rest, I was worried about the pending work. My PM and HR Director asked me to take a rest, and I told them I may require medical leave for 2 weeks, but let me try to manage. My in-laws came to visit with me, and I was so relieved by their visit.
It was during my second bed rest, I took my horoscope after so many days to see what exactly is going through and what should be my strategy. I called up Deepak Bisariaji to help me to bring some clarity to the situation too. The bad news is I will fall again, and the good news is that I will recover. I took three decisions so that I can settle my Prarabda karma peacefully and set some good Kriyamana karmas.
What are Karmic Patterns?
In Vedic astrology, karma refers to the cosmic law of cause and effect, which states that every action we perform has consequences that will manifest in our lives. There are three types of karma recognized in Vedic astrology:
- Sanchita Karma: Sanchita karma refers to the accumulated karma from all our past lives. It is the total sum of all the actions and deeds we have performed in previous incarnations. This karma forms a kind of karmic bank account, and it influences our current life and future lives. Sanchita karma can determine the general life circumstances, strengths, weaknesses, and predispositions we are born with.
- Prarabdha Karma: Prarabdha karma is the subset of sanchita karma that is chosen to be experienced and resolved in a specific lifetime. It is the portion of our accumulated karma that has ripened and is now being manifested in our present life. Prarabdha karma shapes the events, situations, and challenges we encounter, as well as the opportunities and abilities we possess in our current incarnation. It is often seen as our destiny or fate, as it unfolds throughout our life.
- Kriyamana Karma: Kriyamana karma, also known as Agami karma, refers to the current actions and deeds we perform in our present life. It is the karma we are actively creating through our thoughts, words, and actions on a day-to-day basis. Kriyamana karma has a direct and immediate impact on our future, shaping the outcomes and experiences we will face. This type of karma provides us with an opportunity to change and influence our destiny through conscious actions.
When we look around we see people enjoying their lives even after committing a lot of crimes, and we sit and wonder how can it happen when we clearly know they have done a lot of bad things. They enjoy it because their Prarabda Karma was good. It is the result of the Past karma. Due to their great Prarabda Karma, they are getting good Sanchita Karma, which means getting the good results of their good karma in the past life at the time present time. I realized the Karma which I set up in the past or Sanchita Karma was bad and the universe is gifting me with Prarabda karma. There is no other way than going through those sufferings and setting good Agami Karma or Kriyamana karma still being grateful to the lord so that he gave me one more opportunity to understand how gracious god is.
These three types of karma interact and influence each other. While sanchita karma sets the overall framework and tendencies of our life, prarabdha karma determines the specific events and challenges we encounter, and kriyamana karma allows us to shape our future through the choices we make in the present moment. The ultimate goal is to purify and transcend all types of karma through spiritual growth and self-realization.
In every lifetime, we are given a specific portion of Prarabdha, which we must navigate and mitigate. Eventually, there comes a particular birth where the time for heavy payback or settlement arrives for us.
In Vedic astrology, we can see our Prarabda Karma through the sixth house. This house is also known as “Runa Anu Bandhana” which means what we are indebted to. This house indicates debts, diseases, and enemies, so we bring them from the past. I have
What is the Prarabda karma we are surrounded by? Additionally, the 8th and 12th houses also reveal the outcomes of challenging karmas stemming from our previous lives, although the 6th house bears the greatest significance. When the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses possess exceptional strength and are heavily occupied by planets, it indicates that the purpose of this birth is to mitigate the effects of Prarabdha karma.
Rahu Ketu axis also shows the Prarabda karma as Ketu shows the past and Rahu shows the future. The retrograde planets also show the kind of Prarabda karma from the past life. Different planet indicates a different kind of Karma.
Suppose Saturn is retrograde, you have Prarabda Karma connected to your career, social reputation, and duties. We need to be very careful with our activities, social reputation, and career. We need to look also at the house placement of Saturn. Saturn is the indicator of the karma of present life and for future births.
The Retrograde planets in a natal chart each signify a specific karma associated with the planetary significators. In order to determine the exact nature of the pending karma for an individual, it is crucial to examine the placement of these retrograde planets in their birth chart. This involves analyzing the sign in which each planet is placed and the number of planets that influence it through aspects. The sign indicates the challenges or delays that one may encounter in their current life, while the aspects reveal the individuals or circumstances through which they may face obstacles, difficulties, and hurdles.
Furthermore, the placement of the disposition lord of the Retrograde planet in the natal chart provides insight into the necessary actions one must take in this lifetime to resolve the unresolved karma. By understanding the dispositor lord’s placement, it becomes clear what steps should be taken to rectify and address the pending karmic issues.
I can write about the impact of Prarbda karma in the past life, especially about the negative things, but I don’t want to hijack anyone’s psyche, so I am silent.
n the Bhagavad Gita, there are several verses that discuss the concept of “prarabdha karma,” which refers to the portion of a person’s past actions that have already begun to bear fruit and are being experienced in the present lifetime. Here are a few relevant verses:
- Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 60: “Swabhava-jena kaunteya nibaddhah svena karmana Kartum necchasi yan mohat karishyasy avasho ‘pi tat”
Translation: “Under illusion, you may think that you can refuse to act according to your nature, but you will be bound by your own actions, born of your innate tendencies.”
In Mahabharata Book 13 Anusasanika Parva Section 7 the scripture says like this. Bhishma is enlightening Yudhishtira
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O the best of Bharata’s race and the foremost of great men, I wish to know what the fruits are of good deed. Do you enlighten me on this point.'”
As the young calf is able to recognize its dam from among a thousand cows, so do the previous acts of a man pursue him (in all his different transformations). Just like flowers and fruits on a tree naturally appear at the right season without anyone telling them to, the consequences of our actions in past lives also show up when they should. As we grow older, our hair turns grey, our teeth become loose, and our eyes and ears don’t work as well as before. But one thing that doesn’t diminish is our longing for pleasure and enjoyment.
So, the universe identifies us, no matter which birth are in, it will give us the result accordingly. People ask what remedy to overcome this Karmic cycle. Is there any pooja worth 25 lakhs, Gemstone, Talisman? No matter who you are , Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, or Rational, I can only say create good Kriyamana Karma, thats the only remedy.