“Unlocking Ancient Wisdom: Exploring Yogas from Phaldeepika for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment”
Mantreshwara’s Yoga Directly From Phaldeeepika Chamara Yoga When benefic planets occupy the lagna or aspect the lagna while the lagna lord is placed in an auspicious house, it is considered a positive sign for prosperity. To ensure favorable outcomes, the lagna...
Upcoming Venus Retrogression: Look at the Possible Events
In astrology, Venus is a celestial body that holds significant influence over various aspects of human life and personality. As the ruling planet of both Libra and Taurus, Venus embodies themes of love, beauty, harmony, and sensuality. Often referred to as the planet...
ജൂലായ് മാസഫലം
എരീസ്മാർച്ച് 21-ഏപ്രിൽ 19 ജൂലായ് മാസം ആരംഭിക്കുമ്പോൾ, നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിന് പുനരുജ്ജീവനവും അറ്റകുറ്റപ്പണികളും നവീകരണവും ആവശ്യമായതിനാൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബ കാര്യങ്ങളിൽ പ്രവർത്തിക്കും. കുടുംബത്തോടൊപ്പം സമയം ചിലവഴിക്കുക, കുടുംബ യോഗങ്ങൾ, ആചാരങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയും വരാം....
Which Sign Should You Check in Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes?
Which Sign Should I Check in Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes? Should I check my rising sign, the moon sign, or the Sun sign while reading my weekly and monthly horoscope? This is one of the most popular questions from astrology enthusiasts. The answer is simple it...
First Lord in First House for Taurus Lagna for Lagna Nakshatra Mrigshira
The presence of the 1st lord in the first house of an individual’s birth chart is a significant placement with profound implications. This configuration empowers the native with a strong sense of self-identity, personal drive, and a dynamic personality that...
Why do we suffer so much? : Revealing the Hidden Origins of Your Suffering through Karma Theory”
“Why am I here? Why am I experiencing so much suffering? When will I finally overcome my struggles?” These are the fundamental questions frequently posed to astrologers. The quest to understand one’s purpose and the reasons behind personal hardships...