Anyone Wish To Travel With Me?

I like to travel, maybe due to my 9th house density I love travelling. My husband also like to travel, but my kids doesn’t like much travelling, but they are not fully independent so, when they grow up they may do it. My interest is to visit ancient settlements, pilgrim centers and places with historical connection. That may not be everyone’s interest.  

I like travelling alone, because I myself want to get lost into the flashback of those places and accommodating one person with me will be a hindrance. Moreover these days’ people are too much into selfie addiction. Recently me and my roommates (1 person from Scotland, another from China, another from Brazil)  went to some places. Only the Scot was walking with me the other two were totally lost in their selfie venture which was a hindrance for me and the Scot guy. Every other 20 minutes these gals were clicking their fotos and posting in what’s app. The Scot was also getting irritated.

When we travel to a place, it’s always good we read history and then go for the visit. For example, we are going to visit an ancient temple, when we know how the temple was built, on which time period and under which King.


If you are a woman traveler in India , I would like to suggest my favorite place of stay. Zostel will be an ideal place to stay for a woman traveler. Zostel is an international brand and they have a chain of hostels in India.

Now they are in India on 16 locations, they are going to open up more.

Why I say this place is an ideal place for women, because of their ‘Ladies Dormitories”

For me I don’t like to sleep alone in a room. Until my marriage I shared my parent’s room. That’s is the benefit being in India, We can sleep with our parents even after being a mother of 2 kids. Now also some days I sleep at my parent’s room, I sleep on the floor. (My favorite place)

This Ladies Dormitories” are very safe and clean. Normally there 6 6 beds and you will get many friends from different parts of the world. You don’t have to bring any quilt or pillow. They are there already. You have lockers, hot water, washing machine (common) everything. They provide you with Indian, European and Continental breakfast also. Per day they charge INR 699 which is very reasonable. The security is pucca. I remember in Delhi we never used to lock our room.

The room service is also great. The staff is very well trained and supervised. This is a mixed hostel, Men are also staying. There are private rooms, male dormitory and mixed dormitory too. There is a lobby where you get wifi. Wifi is available in rooms and dorms as well. You can go to lobby and sit there and enjoy being with international community. Last year I met a Mayan girl and from her facial structure itself, I understood that she is a Mayan descendant. I told her how am I fascinated with her race and I wish to come to her place. She may be a person, but she carries so many stories with her, from her race. She was so beautiful…….so graceful and so filled with that ancient aroma.

As my birthday is coming up, I was planning to spend that day in meditation. I was looking for some ideal place. I checked Auroville ( Pondicherry ) , Jaisalmer,  Lonavla, or Khajuraho. I haven’t decided yet where to go. In Khajuraho there is a Zostel.  I am totally confused where to go. In Lonavla I have my own place to stay. I have my friend Priyanka Padwal’s home, her parents are very much willing to accommodate me. In Auroville, so many places to stay………I may prefer to go to Khajuraho.  I have Neelima in Jodhpur, I can stay at her uncle’s palace in Jaisalmer……Spend a night under the sky looking at moon, stars and clouds.

I have a trip to Dubai in February also, so I am just calculating…….I had an attraction for Auroville, but now it is not exiting me at all. I am confused. Jaisalmer or Khajuraho……………?


Any of my female readers, like to come with me, pls message me. If you are a selfie addict then………NO. I am not a sefie freak, but if you like to enjoy the sightseeing and get lost into that ancient fragrance, then please inform me………I said Female readers, No male readers. My birthday is on January 10th.


If anyone coming with me……..please take note of this

When I travel, I am a less luggage more comfort person, but very particular about protective about the person with me. I don’t mind taking risks or taking up some adventures if it is not harmful for the other person. I like to sit quiet for hours in a place which I like and that time I will be talking to my Lord. You may see me detached from the world and please don’t get confused that’s the way of meditation. I am very much a night person, and I like being in the darkness and under the beautiful sky, walking alone and talking to my Lord and giving him thanks for these beautiful creations.


I eat anything and more into vegetarian part. I don’t have the habit of coffee or tea. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke. I don’t mind you smoking or drinking, but don’t create a scene after that. I am a lawyer and I am enrolled. So, If I land in a legal issue the authority may be friendly with me and helpful   , but may not be the same with you.


If you are a rationalist who hates astrology and have so much of rationalist garbage to speak against astrology, then no. My dad and husband are the biggest rationalists who speak against astrology and I know what a rationalist speak against this divine science. If you are an astrology lover, I can read your chart for FREE, and I know my potential as an astrologer how I can understand a person. Only one cunning woman from Dubai has only played some cheap game with me to put me down. She was so disgusting. None of my clients will say that “ JayaShree is a dump idiot  astrologer”.


 I have lady friends who smoke, and drink.  When we travel together I don’t mind you joining with anyone, but risk will be totally yours. I prefer to be away  from menfolk, because I have some bad Karma with males in the past birth and I and males don’t share much great vibes. So I am not an advocate of male female friendships. My best friend is a male, but he is a Gay.