Analyze the Progress of your Career through Nakshatra Padas




 Karma is a powerful theme in Vedic astrology. We come here on earth as the result of our past karmas, and our future is written based on the present karmas. Our current karma has a big role in setting up a great career. Karma has a vast meaning and is not restricted to the job we do for survival. It also means our thoughts, actions, feelings, and a state of being idle. However, our career is also a part of karma, and astrology has the best techniques to understand our career and which domain it will be connected to. It also will show how our careers will progress through the years. More progress means more financial prosperity.


 These things are tried and tested by millions, and being a professional, I have tested that in my career too. I also have gone through a financial crisis and career instability, but these astrology techniques helped me understand my career in order to improve it. So, I am sure these techniques will help us in knowing our career and thus improve it by making some adjustments. 

 Many planets indicate our careers. There are many houses connected to careers. The Lagan, lord, 2nd lord, 5th lord, 10th lord, and 11th lord are connected to the career. These houses are also connected to the career. Amatyakaraka planet is a direct indicator of our career. The nakshatras directly and indirectly influence all these planets and houses. Every planet is in a nakshatra, and all 27 nakshatras are operating in our horoscope, even though some houses are vacant.

 Now we will take the nakshatra of our 10th lord and our amatyakaraka planet. These planets will be in a house, will be in a nakshatra. Each Nakshatra has four padas. Even though any classical texts regarding the depth of the nakshatras are not available, most of the nakshatra techniques are tried and tested by efficient astrologers.

 The nakshatras have 4 padas: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Your 10th lord is in Artha pada; then it shows that you will make money through your career. If your Amatyakaraka is also in Arthapada, that is promising wealth through a career. However, the planets can be in different dignities like exaltation, debilitation, or retrogression. Still, there is a strong promise for you to make money. Either of the planets in Artha will assure you that you will make money from the career. If the 10th lord or Amatyakaraka are in Dharma or Moksha padas, then your career has to be connected to establishing dharma and spreading the awareness of moksha. Otherwise, there will be dissatisfaction in your career. Your money will come only when your career is connected to these matters. That’s for sure. I am telling you these from my personal experience about my career. I struggled until I started using these things as part of my career.

 When your 10th lord or Amatyakaraka is in kama pada, that means you are an intellectual and can make excellent career plans. Still, please make sure you are not shifting from one plan to the other, and then you will lose focus and miss all the opportunities to make a progressive career. I have seen people with most planets in kama pada have unending desires that never help them stand on something solid, and their preferences often changes. Those unstable moves can block their career progress too.

 The pada awareness will surely help you to excel in your career ONLY when you combine them with the promise in the horoscope, mahadasa and antardasa. It has helped me greatly improve my career, and I am sure it will help yours too.