Failed Plans and a Dominant 8th House

It’s been so long since I wrote a blog; time is significantly less. Sometimes I think 24 hours is less for a day. I don’t know where the time flies. I am a person who never plans anything because every time I prepare, it fails. I have noticed this many times whenever I plan something, opposite things take place, which blocks my plan. Finally, it leaves me frustrated, angry and feeling disgusted about my life. So, this article is dedicated to people complaining that life never goes according to their plan. 

Since I am an astrologer, I can only explain by using astrology, the best way to interpret human life. Astrology can empower and enlighten you if used correctly and logically. 

As we all know, our horoscope has 12 houses, and the first house indicates ourselves. The 8th house indicates uncertainties, volatility, and inconsistency among these houses. The 8th house means many complex things like 

life and death, transformations, sudden events, money, and much more, which are harmful. This house also represents occult of various kinds.

If your 8th house is prominent from Lagna or the Moon, your life will never go according to your plan. You will be destined for sudden changes. This connection can be at various levels. Your Lagna lord can be in the 8th house, or the 8th lord can be in Lagna. Your Kendra or Trikona lord can be in the 8th house, or, they can be connected to the 8th house through placement aspect or conjunction. Whichever house lord is connected to the 8th house, that house will have volatility. 

Suppose your 10th lord of career is connected to the 8th house through placement, aspect, or conjunction; you will struggle to maintain stability and growth in your career. 

When the 8th house and the 8th lord are prominent in your horoscope, you will have difficulties planning for your life. Such people can never take insurance; even if they take insurance, they will never be able to pay the premiums, and somehow, they will have to end it abruptly. Or they will never be benefitted from the insurance plan. When the 8th house has a strong planetary placement, your finances will have ups and downs. This is a very troubling one. You will have more money, but nothing remains in your account at the end of the day. Sudden needs will pop up from nowhere and leaves you frustrated. 

The connection to the 8th house also shows unsteady health, that doesn’t mean you will die fast, but you have some health issues for unknown reasons.

The only remedy to overcome this is to accept life as it comes to you and cut down on your needs. 

When the 1st and the 8th house are connected, you are supposed to be behind the scenes wherever you are. The 8th house also indicates humiliations and sex scandals, so you have to be careful while dealing with your love life. 

Karma karaka Saturn is the indicator for the 8th house, so the placement of Saturn is also important.

As far as I know, keeping a low profile and following a spiritual path is the best remedy for the problems created by the 8th house. Spirituality is a remedy for so many issues in our life. Still, the 8th house matters are not much predictable by any astrologer because it is the house of sudden changes. How much ever you try to control your expenses, it will come to you. So, there is only one remedy to keeping a low-profile life. The essence is that you are here to lead a spiritual life, not a materialistic one. 

At the same time, the 8th house also has good things, as it shows the person’s longevity and sudden money, hidden resources, and in-laws, but if your 8th house establishes a connection to Kendra, then you should be watchful of your life. Never plan for your life; take life as it comes to you, and keep your Karma clean and pure. Somewhere, something strange is running in the universe, which completely hacks our life and make us happy and unhappy through its energy. All we can do is to accept those things wholeheartedly and learn from the mistakes. It is not in the hands of any astrologer to convert those energies into the favorable mode. Yes, if the 8th house is heavy on you, you need to respect those energies and submit yourself into that divine decisions.