Tag: do you have manglik dosha
Mars in Astrology
Manglik dosha is something that strikes everyone when we talk about Mars from an astrological perspective. It is very scary when we read some literature regarding Manglik dosha. I am so surprised why astrology is taken always from a negative angle, while it gives a lot of positive information. In Brihat Parasara Horasastra, the Bible of Astrology, Sage parasara speaks about Mars to his disciple Maitreya in the 3rd chapter” Graha Guna Roopa Adhyaya” Mars is known as the soldier of the planetary cabinet. So, Mars has connected the profession, which includes competition, physical energy, and discipline. Parasara says Mars is cruel, with bloodred eyes, fickle mind, liberal hearted, bilious, thin waist, and thin physique. So, before the scientists find it out, our great sages knew that Mars is red.
When Mars is in the 2,4,7,8th and 12 th house Manglik Dosha is formed, but it is an overrated dosha. It functions in a psychological way than physical way. There are specific other conditions for cancellation of this dosha. It is not like, if you have this then your spouse will die and all, if so, then the half of the world would have been filled with widows and widowers
In Phaldipika, Mantreswara says, Mars indicates the strength, produce from earth, siblings, battle, courage, antagonism, fire, gold, relatives, weapons, thieves, enemies, enthusiasm, adultery, lies, prowess, high thinking, army.
Mars is known as Bhumiputra and it is also the indicator of land and real estate-related projects. In the mythological story, it says, Lord Siva was grieving for his late wife Sati and out of his sorrow, his body started getting hot, and drop of sweat fell on earth. That drop of sweat became a baby and Earth or Bhumi Devi fostered the child. That is the planet Mars. Hence Mars is known as the Karaka for real estate deals.
Mars is known as the planet for desires and ambition. It is also known for its passion and sexual energies.
When Mars is placed in an auspicious manner, it will give the person a lot of confidence and he will use it productively. The person will be heroic, persevering, direct, courageous and he will be very successful in sports events. Mars indicates administration-related talents, so the person with good Mars will be a free-spirited person with quick wits. He will be like a soldier who leads his mission.
Mars which is placed in a bad way will be giving your a lack of resistance, short temper, and argumentative. If Mars is very bad, then the person can even intake intoxicant. He will have a bad sexual taste like unnatural sex positions.
Mars indicates sexual organs, urinary bladder, muscles, face, ear, cuts, iron, metals, fire, surgery butcher, and mechanics. So, those who work in these domains will also be having a Martian connection,
Three nakshatras are ruled by Mars, they are Mrigshira, Chitra, and Dhanishta.
The Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are friends with Mars while Venus and Saturn are neutral and Mercury is an enemy to Mars.